Speedlearning - der Podcast

Speedlearning - der Podcast

Für alle, die Spaß am Lernen haben


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00:00:00: Verbessere in 10 Tagen dein Englisch. Heute ist Tag 2. Ich wünschte auf jeden Fall viel Spaß mit dieser Podcast-Folge.

00:00:08: Speed Learning, die Erfolgstechnik für dich und dein Leben.

00:00:22: Hallo ihr Speedlender draußen. Hier kommt der zweite von insgesamt zehn Teilen, zweite von insgesamt zehn Podcast-Folgen, um dein Englisch in den nächsten zehn Tagen deutlich zu verbessern.

00:00:35: Wir verwenden dafür das Avatar Training, die Audiospur des Avatar Trainings.

00:00:40: Und du wirst gleich wieder eine Technik des Avatar Trainings hören.

00:00:46: Ich demonstriere sie dir, gebt dir noch ein paar zusätzliche Erklärungen noch immer. Du hörst jeweils ein Intro und ein Outro.

00:00:53: Nach dem Outro ist die erste Übung der Übungssequenzen hier abgeschlossen.

00:00:59: Und dann empfehle ich dir den Podcast kurz zu stoppen, für ungefähr 20 Minuten eine Pause zu machen.

00:01:06: In dieser Pause gehst du gedanklich nochmal das durch, was du da gehört hast.

00:01:10: Und gibst deinem Gehirn die Möglichkeit das abzuspeichern oder zumindest irgendwie damit zu arbeiten und hörst dann einfach weiter.

00:01:19: So dass du im Laufe des Tages diesen Podcast durchhörst und an deinem Englisch arbeitest.

00:01:25: Mehr muss ich gar nicht sagen. Wünschte jetzt einfach viel Spaß und let's go!

00:01:32: Mach dich bereit für eine ganz besondere Erfahrung. Zeig der Welt, was du drauf hast. Lerne Englisch mit Speed Learning.

00:01:47: Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu heutigen Podcast-Episode. Wir werden uns mit der Vergangenheitsform der Verben beschäftigen.

00:01:55: Das Verb ist der wichtigste Teil des Satzes und wenn du die Vergangenheitsform der Verben beherrschst, dann beherrschst du im Grunde auch die Sprache.

00:02:04: Wir starten heute mit einfachen Verben. Die meisten davon sind unregelmäßig. Also mach diese Übung einfach mit.

00:02:13: Beim ersten Mal demonstriere ich die Technik. Beim zweiten Mal hast du die Gelegenheit diese Technik dann ohne meine Stimme selbstständig und für dich in deinem Tempo zu absolvieren.

00:02:24: Also lassen wir es langsam.

00:02:26: Hallo, sind du bereit für das nächste Übungszeichen?

00:02:29: Ja, ich bin.

00:02:31: Das ist schön. Heute werden wir die Vergangenheitsform der Verben beherrschen.

00:02:35: Der Verb ist die wichtigste Teil des Satzes und wenn du die Verb korrekt verwendest, dann beherrscht du die Sprache.

00:02:41: Okay, los geht's.

00:02:43: Ich werde dir eine Sprache in der heutigen Satz geben und deinem Task ist es, in der Vergangenz zu schreiben.

00:02:48: Ich werde dir auch die richtige Antwort geben, die nach jeder Sprache ist. Also, los geht's.

00:02:55: Ich sehe Anna und Otto im Restaurant.

00:02:58: Ich habe Anna und Otto im Restaurant gesehen.

00:03:05: Ich habe Anna und Otto im Restaurant gesehen.

00:03:11: Ich denke, es ist eine gute Idee.

00:03:13: Ich dachte, es war eine gute Idee.

00:03:18: Ich dachte, es war eine gute Idee.

00:03:23: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:03:28: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:03:33: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:03:38: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:03:44: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:03:50: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:03:56: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:04:02: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:04:08: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:04:14: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:04:20: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:04:26: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:04:32: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:04:38: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:04:44: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:04:50: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:04:56: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:05:02: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:05:08: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:05:14: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:05:19: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:05:25: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:05:31: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:05:37: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:05:43: Wir haben die nächsten Übungen.

00:05:50: Wir haben die 25 Werben.

00:05:58: Wenn es noch schwierig ist, trainiere diese Übungen.

00:06:05: Das Video ist auf der Plattform Speed Learning.

00:06:12: Du kannst dich dort auch die Texte trainieren.

00:06:16: Jetzt hast du diese Übungen ohne meine Stimme für dich.

00:06:20: Viel Spaß und bis nächste Woche.

00:06:23: Hallo, sind Sie bereit für das nächste Übungen?

00:06:27: Das ist schön.

00:06:29: Heute werden wir die Vorwärtsstätten der Werbe trainieren.

00:06:32: Die Werbe ist die wichtigste Teil der Sprache.

00:06:35: Wenn du die Sprache korrekt benutzt, dann hast du die Sprache.

00:06:39: Ich werde dir eine Sprache in der presenten Sprache geben.

00:06:42: Und dein Ziel ist, es in der Vorwärtsstätten zu schreiben.

00:06:45: Ich werde dir auch die richtige Antwort geben.

00:06:48: Also, los geht's!

00:06:50: Wir beginnen.

00:06:53: Ich sehe Anna und Otto in der Restaurant.

00:07:03: Ich sah Anna und Otto in der Restaurant.

00:07:09: Ich denke, es ist eine gute Idee.

00:07:18: Ich dachte, es war eine gute Idee.

00:07:23: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:07:33: Ich habe Koffe mit Milch und Zucker.

00:07:39: Ich habe ihm eine E-Mail geschrieben.

00:07:44: Ich habe ihm eine E-Mail geschrieben.

00:07:49: Ich habe einen E-Mail geschrieben.

00:07:58: Ich habe einen E-Mail geschrieben.

00:08:03: Ich habe ein E-Meat.

00:08:12: Ich habe ein E-Meat.

00:08:17: Ich weiß, wo es ist.

00:08:22: Ich wusste, wo es war.

00:08:27: Ich habe einen E-Mail geschrieben.

00:08:36: Ich habe einen E-Mail geschrieben.

00:08:42: Ich habe ihn die Kisten gegeben.

00:08:51: Ich habe ihn die Kisten gegeben.

00:08:56: Ich habe meinen Kustner gefragt.

00:09:05: Ich habe meinen Kustner gefragt.

00:09:10: Also, hat alles funktioniert?

00:09:13: Können Sie schon die Vorbereitung genauer verhindern?

00:09:16: Wenn so, dann Glückwunsch!

00:09:18: In der nächsten Video gibt es noch mehr E-Mails für Sie.

00:09:22: Wenn Sie es nicht noch genau haben, dann Sie das Video noch mal sehen, bis Sie die Tenden im Vorbild haben.

00:09:28: Bis zum nächsten Mal. Ich freue mich auf Sie.

00:09:33: Willst du noch mehr? Willst du noch mehr Sprachen, noch mehr Englisch, noch mehr Power?

00:09:39: Dann registriere dich unter speedlearning.school und werdet Speed learner.

00:09:47: Mach dich bereit für eine ganz besondere Erfahrung.

00:09:52: Zeig der Welt, was du drauf hast.

00:09:56: Lerne Englisch mit Speed learning.

00:10:02: Hallo und herzlich willkommen, ihr Speed-Learner da draußen.

00:10:05: Weiter geht es mit der heutigen Podcast-Folge.

00:10:08: Wir lernen weitere Vergangenheitsformen von Englischen Werben.

00:10:14: Du hörst wieder einen Satz in der Gegenwart-Sform und sollst ihn in die Vergangenheitsform umwandeln.

00:10:22: So wie schon letzte Woche.

00:10:25: Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß.

00:10:27: Bei der ersten Demonstration spreche ich mit und bei der zweiten hast du die Möglichkeit diese Übung für dich alleine durchzuführen.

00:10:35: Also, dann lass uns loslegen.

00:10:38: Hi, how are you getting on with the past tense of verbs?

00:10:42: If you are confident with the verbs from the last video, let's practice some other important verbs.

00:10:47: Can't wait to start.

00:10:49: We'll do it like last time.

00:10:51: I'll say the sentence in the present tense and then you can say it in the past tense.

00:10:55: Let's start straight away so we don't waste any time.

00:10:58: Yeah, let's go.

00:11:00: I love my dog.

00:11:02: I loved my dog.

00:11:05: I really loved my dog.

00:11:09: I loved my dog.

00:11:14: I helped my mother in the kitchen.

00:11:16: I helped my mother in the kitchen.

00:11:20: Well, it's a long time ago because now I helped.

00:11:24: I helped my mother in the kitchen.

00:11:29: I answered your question.

00:11:31: I answered your question.

00:11:38: I answered your question.

00:11:44: I am looking for an ATM.

00:11:46: I was looking for an ATM.

00:11:51: I was looking for an ATM.

00:11:56: I buy this property.

00:11:58: I bought this property.

00:12:05: I bought this property.

00:12:11: I walk home.

00:12:12: I walked home.

00:12:17: Or I went home.

00:12:19: I walked home.

00:12:24: I needed your help.

00:12:38: I explained the new program to you.

00:12:48: I paid the bill.

00:12:53: I paid the bill.

00:13:00: I paid the bill.

00:13:04: We met my friends.

00:13:09: We met my friends.

00:13:11: We have met my friends.

00:13:13: We did meet my friends.

00:13:17: We met my friends.

00:13:22: I liked living in the city.

00:13:24: I liked living in the city.

00:13:29: I liked living in the city.

00:13:35: I understood what you meant.

00:13:44: I read the current report.

00:13:50: I read. I have read.

00:13:55: I have read the current report.

00:14:02: That really was another fantastic performance.

00:14:06: Now take a break and I'll see you in the next video.

00:14:09: See you soon.

00:14:11: Bye bye, mate.

00:14:14: Also, auch jetzt wieder eine Übung für dich,

00:14:17: um diese Vergangenheitsform zu trainieren.

00:14:20: In dieser Demonstration haben wir jetzt die Vergangenheitsform

00:14:23: nur im simple past.

00:14:25: Natürlich kann man auch das present perfect zum Beispiel nehmen

00:14:32: oder past perfect oder past perfect progressive

00:14:36: oder whatever you like.

00:14:38: Es geht hier einfach nur darum, die Vergangenheitsform zu trainieren.

00:14:41: Wenn du beispielsweise Grammatikregeln lernen möchtest,

00:14:47: was übrigens zum Lernen einer Fremdsprache im Konversationsstil

00:14:51: nichts ganz so clever ist,

00:14:53: weil du beim Nachdenken über die Grammatik immer ins Stocken kommst,

00:14:57: dir überlegst, ob du die Grammatik richtig anwendest

00:15:00: und nachdem wir die Grammatik noch nicht mal im Deutschen richtig anwenden,

00:15:04: warum sollen wir uns dann in Fremdsprachen übermäßig stressen.

00:15:08: Aber falls du zu den Perfectionisten gehörst,

00:15:10: dann kannst du mit dieser Übung eben auch unterschiedliche Vergangenheitsform trainieren.

00:15:16: Lass dich einfach von deinem Grammatikbuch diesbezüglich inspirieren.

00:15:20: Ansonsten jetzt die Übung für dich, ohne meine Stimme.

00:15:24: Ich bedanke mich für heute fürs Zuhören, fürs Mitmachen, fürs Einschalten, fürs Weiterempfehlen

00:15:30: und bin immer wieder beeindruckt, wie viele Downloads wir innerhalb von 24 Stunden von diesem Podcast haben.

00:15:35: Das sind weit mehr als bei meinem Hauptpodcast "Speed Learning die Erfolgstechniken",

00:15:40: der auf Deutsch verschiedene Techniken vorstellt.

00:15:43: Na gut, aber genug des Redens.

00:15:47: Jetzt bist du dran, bis nächste Woche.

00:15:50: Hi, how are you getting on with the past tense of verbs?

00:15:53: If you are confident with the verbs from the last video, let's practice some other important verbs.

00:15:59: We'll do it like last time.

00:16:02: I'll say the sentence in the present tense and then you can say it in the past tense.

00:16:06: Let's start straight away so we don't waste any time.

00:16:10: I love my dog.

00:16:13: I help my mother in the kitchen.

00:16:15: I answer your question.

00:16:21: I help my mother in the kitchen.

00:16:23: I answer your question.

00:16:25: I help my mother in the kitchen.

00:16:27: I help my mother in the kitchen.

00:16:29: I help my mother in the kitchen.

00:16:31: I help my mother in the kitchen.

00:16:33: I help my mother in the kitchen.

00:16:35: I help my mother in the kitchen.

00:16:37: I help my mother in the kitchen.

00:16:39: I help my mother in the kitchen.

00:16:41: I answer your question.

00:16:43: I answered your question.

00:16:52: I am looking for an ATM.

00:16:57: I was looking for an ATM.

00:17:04: I buy this property.

00:17:10: I buy this property.

00:17:12: I buy this property.

00:17:14: I buy this property.

00:17:16: I buy this property.

00:17:18: I buy this property.

00:17:20: I buy this property.

00:17:22: I walk home.

00:17:24: I walk home.

00:17:26: I walk home.

00:17:28: I walk home.

00:17:30: I walk home.

00:17:32: I walk home.

00:17:34: I need your help.

00:17:36: I need your help.

00:17:38: (I need your help)

00:17:47: (I explain the new program to you)

00:17:54: (I explain the new program to you)

00:18:03: (I pay the bill)

00:18:13: (I pay the bill)

00:18:18: (I meet my friends)

00:18:32: (I like living in the city)

00:18:52: (I understood what you meant)

00:19:07: (I have read the current report)

00:19:15: (I understand what you meant)

00:19:23: (I understand what you meant)

00:19:37: (I learn English with Speed Learning)

00:19:52: Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Folge dieser Podcast Reihe "Speed Learning English" der Podcast zum Lernen der Englischen Sprache. Heute geht es um eine sehr elegante Technik, um Fragen zu beantworten.

00:20:05: Wenn du eine Frage gestellt bekommst, auf Englisch, dann nimm einfach das Vokabular, das in der Frage enthalten ist, um deine Antwort zu formulieren.

00:20:15: Darum geht es heute. Ich werde dir im ersten Teil wieder eine Demonstration vorsprechen und anschließend hast du die Möglichkeit, diese Übung dann ohne meine Stimme selbst für dich zu machen.

00:20:29: Du kannst jederzeit den Podcast anhalten, wenn dir die Geschwindigkeit zu schnell ist. Lassen wir uns einfach mal gemeinsam beginnen. Hier kommt die Demonstration.

00:20:38: (Ist heute ein gutes Tag? Ja, heute ist ein gutes Tag.)

00:20:43: Hallo, heute sind wir bereit für Fragen zu beantworten. Wenn jemand fragt, ob du eine Frage hast, dann ist es ein einfacher Trick für die Frage zu beantworten.

00:20:52: Verstehe die Worte, die der anderen Person in der Frage zu formulieren. In diesem Fall braucht du sehr kleine neue Vokabularien und deine Antwort wird polizierend, elegant und sicher.

00:21:02: Ich gebe dir ein Beispiel. Du hast gefragt. "Hab du in dieser Stadt für lange Zeit?"

00:21:10: Deine Antwort könnte jetzt sein. "Ja, ich habe in dieser Stadt für lange Zeit geblieben."

00:21:18: Oder die Antwort wird in der Negativ. "Nein, ich habe nicht in dieser Stadt für lange geblieben."

00:21:26: So, jetzt prägtest du ein paar Szenen, die du beantworten kannst, ob du sie oder nicht. Ich werde es dir über die Antwort beantworten.

00:21:34: Okay, starten wir. "Bist du von Deutschland?"

00:21:39: "Ja, ich bin von Deutschland."

00:21:42: Antwort. "Ja, ich bin von Deutschland."

00:21:49: Oder nein, ich bin nicht von Deutschland.

00:21:54: Next question. "Are you married?"

00:21:59: "Yes, I am married, happily married for more than eight years."

00:22:06: Answer. "Yes, I am married."

00:22:12: Or no, I am not married.

00:22:15: Next question. "Do you have children?"

00:22:20: "Yes, I have children. I have two boys, two wonderful boys."

00:22:27: Answer. "Yes, I have children."

00:22:33: Or no, I don't have children. Next question.

00:22:38: "Do you like it here?"

00:22:40: "Yes, I like it here. I like it very much indeed."

00:22:47: Answer. "Yes, I like it here."

00:22:53: Or no, I don't like it here.

00:22:56: Next question. "Did you like the food?"

00:23:01: "Yes, I did like the food."

00:23:04: "Well, it was really tasty. I really liked it."

00:23:08: Answer. "Yes, I like the food."

00:23:14: Or no, I didn't like the food.

00:23:18: Next question. "Do you like going to the theatre?"

00:23:24: "Well, no, I don't like going to the theatre. I prefer going to a museum."

00:23:30: Answer. "Yes, I like going to the theatre."

00:23:36: Or no, I don't like going to the theatre.

00:23:41: Last question for today.

00:23:44: "Do you know the way to the city centre?"

00:23:47: "Yes, I know the way to the city centre, but I'm living in a village, so it's more or less easy."

00:23:54: Answer. "Yes, I know the way to the city centre."

00:23:59: Or no, I don't know the way to the city centre.

00:24:03: Wonderful. Now you can answer yes or no to questions.

00:24:07: Watch this video a few times so that you become more and more confident in answering the questions.

00:24:12: Have fun and see you next time.

00:24:15: Gut, also das ist auch eine Technik, die ihr wunderbar anwenden könnt, wenn ihr zum Beispiel Dialoge in anderen Sprachkursen habt.

00:24:23: Meisten haben ja schon mit Sprachkursen versucht, die Englisch zu verbessern.

00:24:27: Und da gibt es dann auch immer so Fragestellungen.

00:24:31: Oder auch in Meetings, in Telefonkonferenzen oder im direkten Gespräch mit Muttersprachlern oder Kollegen, die eben einfach auf Englisch mit euch kommunizieren.

00:24:42: Nimm das, was du an Frage, Vokabular gestellt bekommst.

00:24:48: Und nimm diese Wörter bei der Antwort wieder mit auf.

00:24:52: Trainier das auch im Deutschen, wenn ich zum Beispiel jemanden fragt, ob du einen Moment Zeit hast, dann sag ich einfach nur ja oder nein,

00:24:59: sondern sage ja, ich habe einen Moment Zeit oder nein, ich habe im Moment leider keine Zeit.

00:25:04: Nimm also das Vokabular, das dir bei einer Frage präsentiert wird, mit in der Antwort auf.

00:25:12: Okay, dann probier's mal aus, wie die Technik funktioniert.

00:25:16: Und wir hören uns nächste Woche jetzt hier der Übungsteil für dich.

00:25:24: Ist heute ein gutes Tag?

00:25:25: Ja, heute ist ein gutes Tag.

00:25:29: Hallo, heute sind wir bereit für Fragen zu antworten.

00:25:32: Wenn jemand fragt, ob du eine Frage hast, dann ist es ein einfaches Trick, die Frage zu antworten.

00:25:37: Verstehe die Worte, die der anderen Person in ihrer Frage benutzt, um die Antwort zu formulieren.

00:25:41: In diesem Fall brauchen du sehr kleine neue Vokabularien und deine Antwort wird polizierend, elegant und sicher.

00:25:48: Ich gebe dir ein Beispiel.

00:25:50: Hast du in dieser Stadt lange gehalten?

00:25:56: Deine Antwort ist jetzt, dass ich in dieser Stadt lange bin.

00:26:03: Oder die Antwort wird in der negative?

00:26:07: Nein, ich habe nicht in dieser Stadt lange gehalten.

00:26:11: So jetzt prägtest du ein paar Szenen, die du either answerst oder nein.

00:26:17: Ich werde dir die Antwort aufnehmen, die du choosest.

00:26:20: Okay, starten wir.

00:26:23: Hast du von Deutschland?

00:26:30: Antwort.

00:26:32: Ja, ich bin von Deutschland.

00:26:36: Oder nein, ich bin nicht von Deutschland.

00:26:40: Nächste Frage.

00:26:43: Hast du die Antwort aufnehmen?

00:26:51: Antwort.

00:26:54: Ja, ich bin ausgerichtet.

00:26:57: Oder nein, ich bin nicht ausgerichtet.

00:27:01: Nächste Frage.

00:27:04: Hast du Kinder?

00:27:12: Antwort.

00:27:15: Ja, ich habe Kinder.

00:27:19: Oder nein, ich habe nicht Kinder.

00:27:21: Nächste Frage.

00:27:24: Hast du die Antwort aufnehmen?

00:27:33: Antwort.

00:27:35: Ja, ich bin ausgerichtet.

00:27:38: Oder nein, ich bin nicht ausgerichtet.

00:27:42: Nächste Frage.

00:27:45: Hast du die Antwort aufnehmen?

00:27:54: Antwort.

00:27:56: Ja, ich bin ausgerichtet.

00:28:00: Oder nein, ich bin nicht ausgerichtet.

00:28:03: Nächste Frage.

00:28:06: Hast du die Antwort aufnehmen?

00:28:16: Antwort.

00:28:18: Ja, ich bin ausgerichtet.

00:28:22: Oder nein, ich bin nicht ausgerichtet.

00:28:26: Nächste Frage.

00:28:29: Hast du die Antwort aufnehmen?

00:28:39: Antwort.

00:28:41: Ja, ich bin ausgerichtet.

00:28:44: Oder nein, ich bin nicht ausgerichtet.

00:28:48: Nächste Frage.

00:28:50: Jetzt kannst du die Antwort auf Fragen stellen.

00:29:01: Willst du noch mehr? Willst du noch mehr Sprachen, noch mehr Englisch, noch mehr Power?

00:29:07: Dann registriere dich unter speedlearning.school und werdet Speed Learner!

00:29:15: Mach dich bereit für eine ganz besondere Erfahrung. Zeig der Welt, was du drauf hast.

00:29:23: Lerne Englisch mit Speed Learning.

00:29:28: Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zu einer weiteren Folge dieser Podcastreihe Speed Learning English der Podcast, der dich fit in der englischen Sprache macht.

00:29:38: Heute geht es um die Beantwortung von Fragen.

00:29:41: Heute wird American English sprechen, bislang hat er ja britisch-englisch gesprochen, nur damit du mal den Unterschied hörst.

00:29:48: Er stellt eine Frage, gibt einen Hinweis zur Antwort und du sollst die Antwort formulieren.

00:29:54: Ich demonstriere dir das beim ersten Mal und dann kannst du das selbstständig noch einmal wiederholen.

00:30:00: Warum ist heute ein wunderbarer Tag?

00:30:02: Ich war noch ganz fertig.

00:30:04: Heute ist ein wunderbarer Tag, weil du hier bist.

00:30:06: Oh, danke. Okay, let's get started.

00:30:08: In der letzten Video hast du gelernt, die Antwort zu beantworten oder zu fragen und die Kontent der Antwort zu beantworten.

00:30:14: Jetzt werden wir diese Technik mit mehr komplexen Fragen beantworten.

00:30:18: Ich werde die Frage fragen und dir einen Hinweis über die Antwort geben.

00:30:21: Dann werde ich dir Zeit, deine Antwort zu formulieren, bevor ich dir das richtige Antwort erzähle.

00:30:26: Hier ist ein Beispiel, warum bist du zu spät?

00:30:29: Ich bin nicht zu spät.

00:30:30: Ich war in der Traffik gestockt.

00:30:32: Oh, ich war in der Traffik gestockt.

00:30:34: Ein weiterer Beispiel, wann wir uns treffen?

00:30:37: Wann werden wir uns treffen?

00:30:39: Am Montag.

00:30:40: Wir werden uns am Montag treffen.

00:30:42: So, dass das ganze Antwort der Antwort wäre, wir werden uns am Montag treffen.

00:30:46: Verstehst du, was es für ein Wissen zu machen?

00:30:48: Natürlich, ich weiß.

00:30:50: Dann starten wir.

00:30:51: Wo arbeiten wir?

00:30:53: Wo ich arbeite?

00:30:54: In der Office.

00:30:55: Ich arbeite in der Office.

00:30:57: Was ist das für ein Wissen?

00:30:59: Ich arbeite in der Office.

00:31:01: Oh, ich arbeite in der Office.

00:31:03: Ich muss mich immer so verankern, aber ich arbeite in der Office.

00:31:08: Die Antwort in einer komplizierten Sprache.

00:31:12: Ich arbeite in der Office.

00:31:14: Ich arbeite in der Office.

00:31:16: Nächste Frage.

00:31:17: Was ist der Zeit, dass die Mieter starten?

00:31:21: Bei 10.00 Uhr.

00:31:24: Oh, die Mieter starten bei 10.00 Uhr.

00:31:27: Die Mieter starten bei 10.00 Uhr.

00:31:30: Die Antwort ist, die Mieter starten bei 10.00 Uhr.

00:31:37: Nächste Frage.

00:31:40: Wer ist dieser Mann?

00:31:43: Wer ist dieser Mann?

00:31:45: Mein Freund.

00:31:46: Der Mann ist mein Freund.

00:31:48: Der Mann ist mein Freund.

00:31:50: Der Mann ist mein Freund.

00:31:53: Antwort.

00:31:55: Der Mann ist mein Freund.

00:31:57: Nächste Frage.

00:31:59: Was sollen wir mit dem Gericht beginnen?

00:32:02: Mit dem Gericht.

00:32:04: Wir sollten mit dem Gericht beginnen.

00:32:06: Wir sollten mit dem Gericht beginnen.

00:32:09: Wir sollten mit dem Gericht beginnen.

00:32:12: Antwort.

00:32:13: Wir sollten mit dem Gericht beginnen.

00:32:15: Nächste Frage.

00:32:17: Was willst du?

00:32:22: Ein Kaffee mit Milch und Zucker.

00:32:24: Oh, ich möchte Kaffee mit Milch und Zucker.

00:32:27: Ich würde gerne Kaffee mit Milch und Zucker haben, bitte.

00:32:31: Antwort.

00:32:33: Ich würde gerne Kaffee mit Milch und Zucker.

00:32:37: Nächste Frage.

00:32:40: Wo ist deine Frau?

00:32:42: In der Schule.

00:32:44: Oh, mein Mädchen, meine Frau ist in der Schule.

00:32:47: Oh, meine Frau, sie ist in der Schule.

00:32:50: My daughter is in the school.

00:32:52: My daughter is in the school.

00:32:55: My daughter is in the school.

00:32:58: Nächste Frage.

00:33:00: How many guests are you expecting at the party?

00:33:05: Twenty guests.

00:33:07: I'm expecting about twenty guests at the party.

00:33:10: We're expecting about twenty guests for the party.

00:33:14: Answer.

00:33:18: I'm expecting twenty guests at the party.

00:33:20: This was another outstanding performance.

00:33:24: I must say that you are making really good progress.

00:33:27: Oh, ta.

00:33:29: Let's chat a bit more now.

00:33:31: Right, I'm ready.

00:33:33: Just answer whatever comes to your mind.

00:33:35: Whatever comes to my mind.

00:33:37: Hello, how are you?

00:33:39: Well, I'm fine, thank you.

00:33:41: How are you, sir? Nice to meet you.

00:33:43: I'm fine too, thanks.

00:33:47: Where are you right now?

00:33:48: Well, right now, I'm at home in the office.

00:33:51: And about you, where are you at the moment?

00:33:53: That's nice.

00:33:55: How is your family?

00:33:57: Oh, my family is fine, thank you for asking.

00:33:59: What about your family, sir? How is your family?

00:34:03: Okay, I didn't know that.

00:34:06: When will I see you again?

00:34:08: Probably never, because I don't like the American accent at all.

00:34:12: But it's a very important one.

00:34:16: I'm glad.

00:34:17: See you then.

00:34:19: See you then.

00:34:21: Ja, eine Frage, die ganz oft in Trainings gestellt wird, ist,

00:34:25: welches Englisch soll ich lernen?

00:34:27: Das britische Englisch, das amerikanische Englisch,

00:34:30: oder vielleicht dann?

00:34:32: Or maybe I should learn the Pakistani English

00:34:35: or the Indian English.

00:34:37: Im Endeffekt ist es völlig schnuppe.

00:34:39: Man vermutet das.

00:34:42: Die meisten native-speaker, also die meisten Menschen,

00:34:46: die Englisch als offizielle Amtssprache sprechen,

00:34:50: sind tatsächlich die Inder.

00:34:53: Und deswegen ist das meistgesprochene Englisch auf der Welt,

00:34:59: das indische Englisch,

00:35:01: gleich gefolgt von dem pakistanischen Englisch.

00:35:04: Und dann kommt das American Englisch.

00:35:08: Allerdings klingen diese Formen von Englisch für uns Europäer nicht besonders elegant.

00:35:16: Das indische Englisch hat sowas,

00:35:20: ach, ich formuliere es nicht sonst, heißt es hinterher,

00:35:23: ich würde schlecht über andere Nationalitäten sprechen,

00:35:26: aber ich sag mal, ich vergleiche es vielleicht mit

00:35:29: Pakistanisch und Indisch, mit Sächsisch,

00:35:35: aber es ist US-amerikanisch, mit Badisch und das British Englisch,

00:35:39: dass das tatsächlich die wenigsten Menschen sprechen.

00:35:42: Aber immer noch als das nonplus Ultra geht,

00:35:45: weil es das ursprünglich ist, wäre dann entsprechend das Hochdeutsche,

00:35:49: also das Hochenglisch, das Oxford Englisch.

00:35:52: Es klingt für die Amerikaner sehr steif, na klar,

00:35:58: aber was sollen sie auch anderes sagen, wenn sie es nicht können?

00:36:03: Im Endeffekt ist es Geschmackssache.

00:36:06: Es ist relativ einfach, sich dem amerikanischen Akzent anzupassen,

00:36:12: indem man etwas undeutlicher redet und so ein bisschen der Mond so bright macht.

00:36:17: Das British Englisch zu sprechen, korrekt zu sprechen, ist deutlich schwieriger,

00:36:22: deswegen würde ich das British Englisch trainieren

00:36:26: und hin und wieder mal American Englisch adaptieren.

00:36:31: Wenn du im Business mit Muttersprachlern das amerikanischen viel zu tun hast,

00:36:37: dann orientiere dich an dieser Schiene.

00:36:39: Wenn du viel mit internationalen Vokabularen, mit internationalen Klientel zu tun hast,

00:36:44: die Englisch nicht als Muttersprache haben,

00:36:47: dann orientiere dich an British Englisch, weil es einfach sauberer und leichter zu verstehen ist,

00:36:52: auch wenn es ein bisschen steif klingt, aber es gibt viele wundervolle, elegante Formulierungen,

00:36:59: die in amerikanisch Englisch nicht so üblich sind, zum Beispiel die Question Tax.

00:37:06: Question Tax ist, wenn du sagst, oh, you don't have time, have you?

00:37:11: Oder you couldn't send me the email, could you?

00:37:17: Das sind Question Tax.

00:37:19: Wenn du mehr dazu wissen möchtest, dann findest du das auch bei uns in den Trainings.

00:37:23: Wir haben auch in der Speed Learning School ein spezielles Video zu Question Tax

00:37:28: im Englisch Training.

00:37:29: Question Tax haben wir nicht hier im Avatar Training oder im Podcast,

00:37:33: weil es nicht in allen Sprachen verwendet wird.

00:37:37: Wir verwenden ja hier nur Dinge, die man in verschiedenen anderen Sprachen auch anwenden kann.

00:37:42: Gut, das ist der kleine Exkurs und jetzt hast du die Möglichkeit, diese Übung für dich nochmal selbst zu machen.

00:37:49: Ich bin jetzt ruhig, wir hören uns nächste Woche, bis dahin, bye bye.

00:37:53: Warum ist heute ein wunderbarer Tag?

00:37:55: Heute ist ein wunderbarer Tag, weil du hier bist.

00:37:58: In dem letzten Video hast du gelernt, zu antworten, oder zu fragen,

00:38:04: und zu inkludieren das Content der Frage in der Antwort.

00:38:07: Jetzt wird diese Technik mit mehr komplexen Fragen verbraucht.

00:38:11: Ich werde die Frage fragen und dir einen Hintern geben über die Antwort.

00:38:14: Dann werde ich dir Zeit, dein Antwort zu formulieren, bevor ich dir das richtige Antwort erzähle.

00:38:18: Hier ist ein Beispiel, warum du spät bist.

00:38:21: Warum bist du spät?

00:38:23: Ich war in der Traffik.

00:38:26: Also das Antwort wäre,

00:38:29: ich bin spät, weil ich in der Traffik bin.

00:38:33: Ein weiterer Beispiel, wann wir uns treffen.

00:38:37: Am Montag.

00:38:40: Also das ganze Antwort-Szenz wäre, wir werden am Montag treffen.

00:38:44: Verstanden du, was die Arbeit zu tun ist?

00:38:49: Dann starten wir.

00:38:51: Wo bist du?

00:38:54: In der Arbeit.

00:38:57: Das Antwort in einem komplizierten Szenz.

00:39:05: Ich arbeite in der Arbeit.

00:39:08: Nächste Frage.

00:39:11: Was ist der Zeit, als die Verbrauchsszenz starten?

00:39:16: Bei 10.00.

00:39:18: Das Antwort ist,

00:39:27: die Verbrauchsszenz starten bei 10.00.

00:39:31: Nächste Frage.

00:39:34: Wer ist dieser Mann?

00:39:37: Mein Freund.

00:39:40: Wer ist dieser Mann?

00:39:42: Mein Freund.

00:39:45: Der Mann.

00:39:48: Der Mann.

00:39:51: Der Mann.

00:39:54: Der Mann.

00:39:57: Der Mann.

00:40:00: Der Mann.

00:40:03: Der Mann.

00:40:07: Der Mann.

00:40:09: Der Mann.

00:40:12: Der Mann.

00:40:15: Der Mann.

00:40:18: Der Mann.

00:40:21: Der Mann.

00:40:24: Der Mann.

00:40:27: Der Mann.

00:40:30: Der Mann.

00:40:34: Nächste Frage.

00:40:36: Wo ist dein Daughter?

00:40:39: Bei Schule.

00:40:42: Antwort.

00:40:49: Mein Daughter ist bei Schule.

00:40:52: Nächste Frage.

00:40:55: Wie viele Gäste sind du an der Party?

00:40:59: 20 Gäste.

00:41:02: Antwort.

00:41:04: Antwort.

00:41:08: Antwort.

00:41:11: Ich habe 20 Gäste an der Party.

00:41:14: Das war eine weitere Ausstattung.

00:41:18: Ich muss sagen, dass du einen guten Prozess machst.

00:41:22: Lass uns ein bisschen mehr reden.

00:41:25: Einfach answeren, was du meinst.

00:41:30: Hallo, wie bist du?

00:41:32: Ich bin auch gut, danke.

00:41:40: Wo bist du jetzt?

00:41:43: Das ist schön. Wie ist deine Familie?

00:41:57: Okay, ich wusste nicht.

00:42:00: Wann sehen wir dich wieder?

00:42:03: Ich bin glücklich.

00:42:11: Wir sehen uns dann.

00:42:15: Wir sehen uns dann.

00:42:17: Wir sehen uns dann.

00:42:20: Wir sehen uns dann.

00:42:23: Wir sehen uns dann.

00:42:26: Wir sehen uns dann.

00:42:29: Wir sehen uns dann.

00:42:32: Wir sehen uns dann.

00:42:35: Wir sehen uns dann.

00:42:38: Wir sehen uns dann.

00:42:42: Lerne Englisch mit Speed Learning.

00:42:45: Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Folge dieser Podcastreihe Speed Learning English.

00:42:53: Der Podcast, der dich Schritt für Schritt auf das Niveau C2 der englischen Sprache bringt.

00:43:01: Heute gehen wir gemeinsam in ein Restaurant.

00:43:05: Gleich kommt wieder Jonathan und wird mit uns gemeinsam Dialoge im Restaurant trainieren.

00:43:11: Also mach dich bereit.

00:43:13: Den ersten Teil dieser Übung absolviere ich gemeinsam mit dir.

00:43:18: Danach hast du die Möglichkeit, den Dialog, das Training nochmal ganz alleine ohne meine Stimme selbstständig zu wiederholen.

00:43:28: Natürlich kannst du den Podcast auch so oft anhalten, wie du musst.

00:43:33: Dann starten wir einfach mal. Legen wir los.

00:43:38: Hallo, heute gehen wir in ein Restaurant.

00:43:41: Ich werde die Wetter sein und fragen, was du willst oder essen.

00:43:46: Okay.

00:43:48: Für die Antwort, ich werde dir wieder Kühlen geben. Hier ist ein Beispiel.

00:43:52: Guten Abend, was würdest du essen?

00:43:56: Stillwater.

00:43:59: Dann würde das richtige Antwort sein.

00:44:02: Ich würde ein Stillwater, bitte.

00:44:06: Und was würdest du essen?

00:44:08: Schickensoap.

00:44:11: Die Antwort ist, ich würde ein Schickensoap, bitte.

00:44:15: Wussten Sie das Prinzip? Dann starten wir.

00:44:20: Okay, ich bin bereit.

00:44:22: Hallo, was würdest du essen?

00:44:25: Ein Black Coffee.

00:44:27: Ich würde Black Coffee, bitte.

00:44:31: Black Coffee würde gut sein.

00:44:35: The answer is...

00:44:38: I would like a black coffee, please. Thank you.

00:44:43: And what would you like to eat?

00:44:46: A piece of chocolate cake.

00:44:49: I would like to eat a piece of chocolate cake, please. Thank you.

00:44:56: The answer.

00:44:58: I would like a piece of chocolate cake, please. Thank you.

00:45:04: Good afternoon. What can I get you?

00:45:08: A beer and a steak with fries.

00:45:11: Oh, I would love to have a beer and a steak with fries, please. Thank you.

00:45:18: The answer.

00:45:20: I would like a beer and a steak with fries, please. Thank you.

00:45:26: Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. What can I bring you as an aperitif?

00:45:32: A glass of champagne.

00:45:35: Oh, I would be delighted if you could bring me a glass of champagne, please. Thank you very much.

00:45:42: The answer.

00:45:44: I would like a glass of champagne, please.

00:45:48: Hello. Which starter would you like?

00:45:52: A tomato soup.

00:45:54: Well, I would like to have tomato soup for starter, please. Thank you.

00:46:01: The answer.

00:46:04: I would like the tomato soup as a starter, please.

00:46:08: Ladies and gentlemen, have you decided on a dessert yet?

00:46:13: The apple pie and an ice cream.

00:46:16: Well, I will take the apple pie and my wife would like the ice cream, please. Thank you, sir.

00:46:23: The answer.

00:46:25: Yes, we would like the apple pie and an ice cream, please.

00:46:31: Good evening. Have you chosen yet?

00:46:34: The vegetarian pizza.

00:46:37: Hey, mate, can I have the vegetarian pizza, please? I'm starving. Thank you.

00:46:44: The answer.

00:46:46: Yes, I would like the vegetarian pizza, please.

00:46:51: Would you like another espresso or grappa to finish?

00:46:56: A whiskey.

00:46:57: Well, espresso and grappa are something for kids. Let me have a whiskey, please. Thank you, mate.

00:47:04: The answer.

00:47:07: No, thank you. I'd rather have another whiskey.

00:47:12: Do you want anything else or may I bring the bill?

00:47:16: The bill.

00:47:18: The bill, please, Bill. Can you please bring the bill, please? Bill, please bring the bill. Thank you.

00:47:25: The answer.

00:47:27: I'd like the bill, please. Thank you.

00:47:31: So, now you won't starve. That's good news, isn't it? Then I wish you a lot of fun for your next visit to a restaurant and I'll see you in the next video.

00:47:41: So, we won't starve anymore. There are different ways to answer these different questions of the caner.

00:47:50: In fact, it's also written in all English books that you should call the caner in the restaurant "waiter".

00:47:58: Honestly, I've never experienced that in England. I've experienced it in the USA, in other English-speaking countries, in Ireland or so.

00:48:07: In the pub you might call "hey mate", only in England or Ireland. In the USA, maybe "hey buddy".

00:48:15: But otherwise, in a popular restaurant you just say "excuse me" or "sir" or "madam".

00:48:23: But "waiter" or "waitress", that's the term. No one calls you.

00:48:29: Honestly, no one calls us either. You can see that in some old movies with Peter Alexander and otherwise not.

00:48:39: Great. Now you have the opportunity to get this exercise for you.

00:48:44: If you want to have more coaching about it, then just take a look at the show notes.

00:48:52: You can find the link to the course where you can actually book as a speed learner at the Speed Learning School.

00:49:01: We have linked our PowerCourse and our Premium course with a mentoring flat rate.

00:49:11: But now, take a look at how you can get there alone. Here comes Jonathan for you as a caner in the restaurant. Have fun!

00:49:22: Hello, today we are going to a restaurant.

00:49:26: I will be the waiter and ask you what you would like to drink or eat.

00:49:31: For the answer, I'll give you Q's again. Here is an example.

00:49:36: Good afternoon, what would you like to drink?

00:49:40: Still water.

00:49:43: Then the correct answer would be,

00:49:47: I would like a still water please.

00:49:51: And what would you like to eat?

00:49:54: Chicken soup.

00:49:57: The answer is, I would like a chicken soup please.

00:50:01: Did you understand the principle? Then let's get started.

00:50:07: Hello, what would you like to drink?

00:50:10: A black coffee.

00:50:15: The answer is,

00:50:20: I would like a black coffee please. Thank you.

00:50:26: And what would you like to eat?

00:50:30: A piece of chocolate cake.

00:50:34: The answer,

00:50:42: I would like a piece of chocolate cake please. Thank you.

00:50:47: Good afternoon, what can I get you?

00:50:51: A beer and a steak with fries.

00:50:55: The answer,

00:51:04: I would like a beer and the steak with fries, please. Thank you.

00:51:09: Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. What can I bring you as an aperitif?

00:51:15: A glass of champagne.

00:51:19: The answer,

00:51:28: I would like a glass of champagne please.

00:51:32: Hello, which starter would you like?

00:51:36: A tomato soup.

00:51:40: The answer,

00:51:47: I would like the tomato soup as a starter please.

00:51:52: Ladies and gentlemen, have you decided on a dessert yet?

00:51:57: The apple pie and an ice cream.

00:52:02: The answer,

00:52:06: Yes, we would like the apple pie and an ice cream, please.

00:52:11: Good evening, have you chosen yet?

00:52:15: The vegetarian pizza.

00:52:19: The answer,

00:52:30: Yes, I would like the vegetarian pizza please.

00:52:34: Would you like another espresso or grappa to finish?

00:52:39: A whiskey.

00:52:43: The answer,

00:52:50: No thank you. I'd rather have another whiskey.

00:52:55: Do you want anything else or may I bring the bill?

00:52:59: The bill,

00:53:02: The answer,

00:53:10: I'd like the bill please, thank you.

00:53:14: So, now you won't starve. That's good news, isn't it?

00:53:18: Then I wish you a lot of fun for your next visit to a restaurant and I'll see you in the next video.

00:53:24: Do you want more? Do you want more languages, more English, more power?

00:53:30: Then register under speedlearning.school and become a speed learner.

00:53:37: Get ready for a very special experience.

00:53:43: Show the world what you have on you.

00:53:47: Learn English with speedlearning.

00:53:53: Hello and welcome to another episode of this podcast series "Speed Learning English".

00:53:58: The podcast that makes you fit for English.

00:54:02: Today it's about time.

00:54:05: In our avatar training at the speedlearning.school we have a video prepared in which you can watch different hours

00:54:11: and then you should first say the time before you get the right answer.

00:54:16: But if you only have the audio track, I'll repeat the time so that you can repeat the description of the time.

00:54:28: First we do the exercise together again and then you have time to do this exercise alone for yourself.

00:54:34: All right, then let's get started.

00:54:39: Hello. Today we are going to talk about the time.

00:54:43: Fine.

00:54:44: I'm going to show you different clocks and ask you what time it is.

00:54:48: Then there will be a short pause for your answer.

00:54:51: Then I'll tell you the solution.

00:54:53: Are you ready?

00:54:54: I am.

00:54:55: Then it starts.

00:54:57: What time is it?

00:55:01: It's one o'clock.

00:55:02: It's one o'clock.

00:55:03: What time is it?

00:55:07: It's three o'clock.

00:55:08: It's three o'clock.

00:55:09: What time is it?

00:55:13: It's four o'clock.

00:55:14: It's four o'clock.

00:55:15: What time is it?

00:55:19: It's five o'clock.

00:55:20: It's five o'clock.

00:55:21: What time is it?

00:55:25: It's twelve o'clock.

00:55:26: It's twelve o'clock.

00:55:27: What time is it?

00:55:31: It is one minute past twelve.

00:55:32: It's one minute past twelve.

00:55:34: You can also say it is just after twelve.

00:55:39: It's just after twelve.

00:55:40: What time is it?

00:55:43: It is seven minutes past six.

00:55:45: It's seven past six.

00:55:46: What time is it?

00:55:50: It is five to six.

00:55:51: It's five to six.

00:55:52: What time is it?

00:55:56: It's five to twelve.

00:55:57: Five to twelve.

00:55:58: What time is it?

00:56:02: It is half past two.

00:56:03: Half past two.

00:56:04: Or you can also say it is fourteen thirty.

00:56:09: Fourteen thirty.

00:56:10: What time is it?

00:56:14: It is half past eleven.

00:56:16: Half past eleven.

00:56:17: Or you can also say it is exactly half past eleven.

00:56:23: Exactly half past eleven.

00:56:24: What time is it?

00:56:28: It is almost half past nine.

00:56:29: Almost half past nine.

00:56:30: What time is it?

00:56:31: It's almost a quarter to eleven.

00:56:36: Almost a quarter to eleven.

00:56:37: What time is it?

00:56:38: It is two minutes past three.

00:56:42: Two past three.

00:56:43: Or you can also say it is just after three.

00:56:49: Just after three.

00:56:50: What time is it?

00:56:51: It's just after half past ten.

00:56:55: Just after half past ten.

00:56:56: What time is it?

00:56:57: It's just after half past nine.

00:57:02: Just after half past nine.

00:57:03: What time is it?

00:57:04: It is nine forty eight.

00:57:08: Nine forty eight.

00:57:09: Or you can also say it is twelve minutes to ten.

00:57:13: It is twenty one forty eight.

00:57:15: Or twenty one forty eight.

00:57:16: Or yet another way would be to say it is twelve to ten.

00:57:21: Twelve to ten.

00:57:22: What time is it?

00:57:23: It is a quarter past nine.

00:57:28: What time is it?

00:57:29: It is a quarter past twelve.

00:57:34: What time is it?

00:57:35: It is a quarter to seven.

00:57:40: What time is it?

00:57:41: It is a quarter to four.

00:57:46: What time is it?

00:57:47: It is almost ten past ten.

00:57:52: Almost ten past ten.

00:57:53: What time is it?

00:57:54: It is almost twenty past two.

00:57:59: Twenty past two.

00:58:00: That worked out well.

00:58:01: Fine.

00:58:02: Now it is time for a break again and then practice the time in your everyday life.

00:58:06: This way you will learn it very quickly.

00:58:09: See you next time.

00:58:10: Yes, see you next time.

00:58:12: So here was of course an independent tempo in it, because it is thought differently.

00:58:16: You see, at first the clock should say it, but now we have something here in the podcast version.

00:58:21: You can stop this podcast after every clock is called.

00:58:28: And think about how this clock actually means and then repeat it in English.

00:58:34: Now it is your turn.

00:58:35: Have fun and then practice the clock in your everyday life.

00:58:39: See you then.

00:58:40: Hello.

00:58:41: Today we are going to talk about the time.

00:58:46: I'm going to show you different clocks and ask you what time it is.

00:58:50: Then there will be a short pause for your answer.

00:58:53: Then I'll tell you the solution.

00:58:56: Are you ready?

00:58:57: Then it starts.

00:58:59: What time is it?

00:59:01: It's one o'clock.

00:59:04: What time is it?

00:59:06: What time is it?

00:59:10: It's three o'clock.

00:59:12: What time is it?

00:59:16: It's four o'clock.

00:59:18: What time is it?

00:59:22: It's five o'clock.

00:59:24: What time is it?

00:59:28: It's twelve o'clock.

00:59:30: What time is it?

00:59:34: It's five o'clock.

00:59:36: What time is it?

00:59:38: It's five o'clock.

00:59:40: What time is it?

00:59:42: It's five o'clock.

00:59:44: What time is it?

00:59:46: It's five o'clock.

00:59:48: What time is it?

00:59:50: It's five o'clock.

00:59:52: What time is it?

00:59:54: It's five o'clock.

00:59:56: What time is it?

00:59:58: It's five o'clock.

01:00:00: What time is it?

01:00:02: It's five o'clock.

01:00:04: What time is it?

01:00:06: It's five o'clock.

01:00:08: What time is it?

01:00:10: It's five o'clock.

01:00:12: What time is it?

01:00:14: It's five o'clock.

01:00:16: What time is it?

01:00:18: It's five o'clock.

01:00:20: What time is it?

01:00:22: It's five o'clock.

01:00:24: What time is it?

01:00:26: It's five o'clock.

01:00:28: What time is it?

01:00:30: It is almost half past nine.

01:00:32: What time is it?

01:00:34: It's almost a quarter to eleven.

01:00:38: What time is it?

01:00:40: It is two minutes past three.

01:00:44: Or you can also say,

01:00:48: It is just after three.

01:00:52: What time is it?

01:00:54: It's just after half past ten.

01:00:58: What time is it?

01:01:00: It's just after half past nine.

01:01:04: What time is it?

01:01:06: It is nine forty eight.

01:01:10: Or you can also say,

01:01:14: It is twenty one forty eight.

01:01:18: Or yet another way would be to say,

01:01:20: It is twelve to ten.

01:01:24: What time is it?

01:01:26: It's a quarter past nine.

01:01:28: What time is it?

01:01:30: It's a quarter past twelve.

01:01:34: What time is it?

01:01:36: It's a quarter to seven.

01:01:40: What time is it?

01:01:42: It's a quarter to four.

01:01:46: What time is it?

01:01:48: It's almost ten past ten.

01:01:52: What time is it?

01:01:54: It's almost twenty past ten.

01:01:56: What time is it?

01:01:58: It's almost twenty past two.

01:02:02: That worked out well.

01:02:04: Now it's time for a break again and then practice the time in your everyday life.

01:02:08: This way you will learn it very quickly.

01:02:10: See you next time.

01:02:14: Do you want more? Do you want more languages, more English, more power?

01:02:18: Then register under speedlearning.school

01:02:22: and become a speed learner.

01:02:26: Get ready for a very special experience.

01:02:30: Show the world what you have on it.

01:02:34: Learn English with speed learning.

01:02:42: Hello and welcome to a new episode of this podcast "Speed Learning English".

01:02:48: Today we learn the weekdays together.

01:02:50: And here I will first demonstrate the exercises.

01:02:56: And then you have the opportunity to repeat this exercise only for yourself in your personal pace.

01:03:04: You can stop this podcast at any time if you need more time.

01:03:10: Otherwise just enjoy this special experience.

01:03:14: Because in the end you have the opportunity to train a little free communication

01:03:20: by thinking out your own answers.

01:03:22: But now let's start.

01:03:24: Let's start first.

01:03:26: Hello.

01:03:28: Hello.

01:03:30: Today we are going to learn the days of the week.

01:03:32: Great.

01:03:34: Just repeat after me.

01:03:36: Monday.

01:03:38: Tuesday.

01:03:40: Tuesday.

01:03:42: Wednesday.

01:03:44: Wednesday.

01:03:46: Thursday.

01:03:48: Thursday.

01:03:50: Friday.

01:03:52: Saturday.

01:03:54: Saturday.

01:03:56: Sunday.

01:03:58: Sunday.

01:04:00: Very good.

01:04:02: Let's do it again.

01:04:04: Monday.

01:04:06: Tuesday.

01:04:08: Tuesday.

01:04:10: Wednesday.

01:04:12: Wednesday.

01:04:14: Thursday.

01:04:16: Thursday.

01:04:18: Friday.

01:04:20: Saturday.

01:04:22: Sunday.

01:04:24: Sunday.

01:04:26: Sunday.

01:04:28: Great job you're doing.

01:04:30: Thanks.

01:04:32: And a third time.

01:04:34: Monday.

01:04:36: Tuesday.

01:04:38: Tuesday.

01:04:40: Wednesday.

01:04:42: Wednesday.

01:04:44: Thursday.

01:04:46: Friday.

01:04:48: Friday.

01:04:50: Saturday.

01:04:52: Saturday.

01:04:54: Sunday.

01:04:56: Sunday.

01:04:58: Do you know what else to call Saturday and Sunday?

01:05:00: Oh yes, Saturday and Sunday is the weekend.

01:05:02: That's right, Saturday and Sunday are also called the weekend.

01:05:06: Then let's talk about activities during the week.

01:05:08: Okay.

01:05:10: Please repeat after me again.

01:05:12: On Monday, I will talk to my colleague on the phone.

01:05:14: On Monday, I will talk to my colleague on the phone.

01:05:16: On Tuesday, I inform my colleague on the phone.

01:05:18: On Tuesday, I inform my coworkers about our new project.

01:05:20: On Tuesday, I inform my coworkers about our new project.

01:05:22: On Wednesday, I book a table at the restaurant.

01:05:24: On Wednesday, I book a table at the restaurant.

01:05:26: On Thursday, I have a coffee in the cafe.

01:05:28: On Thursday, I have a coffee at the cafe.

01:05:30: On Friday, I write an email to my customers.

01:05:32: On Friday, I write an email to my customers.

01:05:34: On Saturday, I go to the zoo with my family.

01:05:36: On Saturday, I go to the zoo with my family.

01:05:38: On Sunday, I go to the theatre with my friends.

01:05:40: On Saturday, I go to the zoo with my family.

01:05:42: On Saturday, I go to the zoo with my family.

01:05:44: On Saturday, I go to the zoo with my family.

01:05:46: On Sunday, I go to the theatre with my friends.

01:05:48: On Sunday, I go to the theatre with my friends.

01:05:50: On weekends, I like to do sports.

01:05:52: On weekends, I like to do sports.

01:05:54: That was a great performance.

01:05:56: Thanks.

01:05:58: Now take another break of about 20 minutes

01:06:00: and then repeat this exercise again.

01:06:02: I can do that.

01:06:04: Then think about what you do on the different days of the week.

01:06:06: Okay.

01:06:08: And repeat this exercise for yourself individually.

01:06:10: Perfect.

01:06:12: See you soon and have fun.

01:06:14: So, you have the opportunity to do these exercises again for yourself.

01:06:18: By the way, you can notice the weekday very easily

01:06:20: because they are called after the Germanic gods.

01:06:22: Monday, moon, the moon, Tuesday, tea, the war god, Wednesday,

01:06:28: Wotan, Thursday, Thor, the donor god, Friday, Freyja, the love god,

01:06:34: Saturday, the Saturn, go a little out of the row,

01:06:38: Sunday, the sun.

01:06:40: Similar to the Germanic days of the week.

01:06:42: But that would lead to Germanic languages at this point.

01:06:46: They are related to each other.

01:06:48: That's why the Germanic gods are behind this.

01:06:50: The Romanic languages are the Romanic gods.

01:06:54: But that also leads to this point.

01:06:56: That's what we have at the podcast about French, Italian or Spanish.

01:07:00: Now you can do this exercise for yourself,

01:07:04: all alone, given that the audio data is stopped.

01:07:08: If you are a little too fast, try to formulate what you do on the days of the week.

01:07:20: And if you don't know any words, just hit the internet.

01:07:25: Have fun and see you next week.

01:07:28: Hello.

01:07:32: Today we are going to learn the days of the week.

01:07:36: Just repeat after me.

01:07:38: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

01:07:52: Friday, Saturday, Sunday,

01:08:02: Very good.

01:08:04: Let's do it again.

01:08:06: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

01:08:16: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,

01:08:30: Great job you're doing.

01:08:32: And a third time.

01:08:34: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

01:08:44: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,

01:09:00: Do you know what else to call Saturday and Sunday?

01:09:04: That's right Saturday and Sunday are also called the weekend.

01:09:08: Then let's talk about activities during the week.

01:09:12: Please repeat after me again.

01:09:14: On Monday, I will talk to my colleague on the phone.

01:09:20: On Tuesday I inform my coworkers about our new project.

01:09:26: On Wednesday I book a table at the restaurant.

01:09:32: On Thursday I have a coffee in the cafe.

01:09:36: On Friday I write an email to my customers.

01:09:42: On Saturday I go to the zoo with my family.

01:09:48: On Sunday I go to the theater with my friends.

01:09:52: On weekends, I like to do sports.

01:09:58: That was a great performance.

01:10:00: Now take another break of about 20 minutes and then repeat this exercise again.

01:10:06: Then think about what you do on the different days of the week.

01:10:10: And repeat this exercise for yourself individually.

01:10:14: See you soon and have fun.

01:10:16: Do you want more? Do you want more languages, more English, more power?

01:10:22: Then register under speedlearning.school and become a speed learner.

01:10:30: Get ready for a very special experience.

01:10:34: Show the world what you have on it.

01:10:38: Learn English with speedlearning.

01:10:44: Hello and welcome to a new episode of this podcast series "Speed Learning English".

01:10:50: Today we go into the weekdays a little more intensively.

01:10:54: In the last podcast episode you have been able to train the weekdays.

01:10:58: I explained how you can easily notice them.

01:11:02: You connect them with the German gods.

01:11:06: They have given the German weekdays, Saturday and Wednesday.

01:11:10: Now we continue the first exercise together.

01:11:16: Then you have time to take a break again in your tempo.

01:11:22: Do this exercise again.

01:11:24: Hi Jonathan, nice to meet you.

01:11:28: How are you?

01:11:30: I'm fine, thank you. How are you Jonathan?

01:11:32: I'm fine too, thanks.

01:11:34: Great.

01:11:35: Good to see you.

01:11:36: Yes.

01:11:37: Let's go into the days of the week a bit more.

01:11:39: I'd love to.

01:11:40: I repeat again the sentences from the last video and then ask the question.

01:11:44: And what will you do on?

01:11:46: Okay.

01:11:47: Then I name Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on.

01:11:51: Got it.

01:11:52: Your task is to answer my question and say what you do on each day of the week.

01:11:56: Perfect.

01:11:57: If you don't know the vocabulary, look it up on the internet.

01:12:00: I won't.

01:12:01: Let's begin.

01:12:02: Okay.

01:12:03: On Monday, I will talk to my colleague on the phone.

01:12:06: And what will you do on Monday?

01:12:08: I will go to my father.

01:12:11: On Tuesday I will inform my colleagues about our new project.

01:12:14: I will go and visit my mother.

01:12:17: And what will you do on Tuesday?

01:12:19: I will go and visit my mother.

01:12:21: On Wednesday I will book a table at the restaurant.

01:12:26: And what will you do on Wednesday?

01:12:28: On Wednesday I do the shopping.

01:12:31: On Thursday I will have a coffee in the cafe.

01:12:36: And what will you do on Thursday?

01:12:38: On Thursday I will have a glass champagne with my friends.

01:12:41: On Friday I will email my clients.

01:12:46: And what will you do on Friday?

01:12:48: On Friday I will go to the zoo.

01:12:50: On Saturday I will go to the zoo with my family.

01:12:55: And what will you do on Saturday?

01:12:57: On Saturday I will go to the sauna.

01:13:00: On Sunday I will go to the theatre with my friends.

01:13:06: And what will you do on Sunday?

01:13:08: On Sunday I sleep the whole day.

01:13:10: I like to do sports at the weekend.

01:13:15: And what do you like to do at the weekend?

01:13:17: I like to go on my boat on Sunday and weekends.

01:13:20: That works out alright.

01:13:22: Perfect.

01:13:23: Once again.

01:13:24: Okay.

01:13:25: But now with different answers.

01:13:26: Alright.

01:13:27: On Monday I will be on the phone with my colleague.

01:13:30: And what will you do on Monday?

01:13:32: On Monday I meet the American President.

01:13:34: On Tuesday I will inform my colleagues about our new project.

01:13:40: And what will you do on Tuesday?

01:13:42: On Tuesday I will meet the Russian President.

01:13:45: On Wednesday I will book a table at the restaurant.

01:13:50: And what will you do on Wednesday?

01:13:52: On Wednesday I will meet the Chinese President.

01:13:55: On Thursday I will have a coffee in the cafe.

01:14:00: And what will you do on Thursday?

01:14:02: On Thursday I will meet the Indian President.

01:14:05: On Friday I will email my clients.

01:14:10: And what will you do on Friday?

01:14:12: On Friday I will meet the French President.

01:14:14: On Saturday I will to the zoo with my family.

01:14:19: And what will you do on Saturday?

01:14:21: On Saturday I will meet the Brazilian President.

01:14:24: On Sunday I will go to the theatre with my friends.

01:14:29: And what will you do on Sunday?

01:14:31: On Sunday I will meet the German Chancellor.

01:14:34: I like to do sports at the weekend.

01:14:39: And what do you like to do at the weekend?

01:14:41: I like to do, I like to play golf with the President.

01:14:44: Great. You've learned quite a lot now.

01:14:47: Thanks.

01:14:48: You can be really proud of yourself.

01:14:50: I am.

01:14:51: Now it's time for a break again and then we'll see you at the next exercise.

01:14:54: Alright then, thank you very much Jonathan.

01:14:57: So now you have the opportunity to give back what you do on Tuesday and so on during the week.

01:15:07: It can be something that is actually true.

01:15:09: It can be something that is found.

01:15:11: Just let yourself be a little bit more creative.

01:15:14: Let your creativity run free.

01:15:16: And you have noticed that the breaks between the individual statements are relatively short.

01:15:22: So stop this podcast and let yourself be able to let the whole thing just work.

01:15:30: How are you? I'm fine too. Thanks. Good to see you.

01:15:52: Let's go into the days of the week a bit more.

01:15:59: I repeat again the sentences from the last video and then ask the question.

01:16:03: And what will you do on?

01:16:07: Then I name Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on.

01:16:11: Your task is to answer my question and say what you do on each day of the week.

01:16:16: If you don't know the vocabulary, look it up on the screen.

01:16:19: If you don't know the vocabulary, look it up on the internet.

01:16:23: Let's begin.

01:16:25: On Monday, I will talk to my colleague on the phone.

01:16:28: And what will you do on Monday?

01:16:33: On Tuesday I will inform my colleagues about our new project.

01:16:39: And what will you do on Tuesday?

01:16:44: On Wednesday I will book a table at the restaurant.

01:16:49: And what will you do on Wednesday?

01:16:54: On Thursday I will have a coffee in the cafe.

01:16:59: And what will you do on Thursday?

01:17:04: On Friday I will email my clients.

01:17:09: And what will you do on Friday?

01:17:13: On Saturday I will go to the zoo with my family.

01:17:18: And what will you do on Saturday?

01:17:23: On Sunday I will go to the theatre with my friends.

01:17:29: And what will you do on Sunday?

01:17:33: I like to do sports at the weekend.

01:17:38: And what do you like to do at the weekend?

01:17:43: That works out alright. Once again.

01:17:47: But now with different answers.

01:17:50: On Monday I will be on the phone with my colleague.

01:17:53: And what will you do on Monday?

01:17:57: On Tuesday I will inform my colleagues about our new project.

01:18:03: And what will you do on Tuesday?

01:18:08: On Wednesday I will book a table at the restaurant.

01:18:13: And what will you do on Wednesday?

01:18:18: On Thursday I will have a coffee in the cafe.

01:18:23: And what will you do on Thursday?

01:18:28: On Friday I will email my clients.

01:18:33: And what will you do on Friday?

01:18:38: On Saturday I will go to the zoo with my family.

01:18:43: And what will you do on Saturday?

01:18:48: On Sunday I will go to the theatre with my friends.

01:18:53: And what will you do on Sunday?

01:18:57: I like to do sports at the weekend.

01:19:02: And what do you like to do at the weekend?

01:19:07: Great. You've learned quite a lot now.

01:19:11: You can be really proud of yourself.

01:19:14: Now it's time for a break again and then we'll see you at the next exercise.

01:19:19: Want more? Want more languages, more English, more power?

01:19:24: Then register under speedlearning.school and become a speed learner.

01:19:31: Get ready for a very special experience.

01:19:37: Show the world what you have on you.

01:19:41: Learn English with speedlearning.

01:19:47: Hello and welcome to a new episode of this podcast series "Speed Learning English".

01:19:52: Today it's about time.

01:19:55: We talk about seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, years, years, maybe even months.

01:20:03: Let's see what this exercise will bring us.

01:20:07: I will demonstrate the first part again, so I will demonstrate it with you.

01:20:12: Then you will have the opportunity to repeat this exercise again,

01:20:19: all by yourself in the quiet cellar.

01:20:24: So, are you ready? Then get up straight.

01:20:28: We start. Let's go.

01:20:32: Hello. Hi. Nice to have you back.

01:20:35: Yeah, I'm glad to be here.

01:20:36: Today we are going to talk about time.

01:20:38: Time to take about...

01:20:39: Time is divided into years.

01:20:41: Years. Months. Months.

01:20:43: Weeks. Weeks.

01:20:44: Days. Days.

01:20:46: Hours. Hours.

01:20:47: Minutes. Minutes.

01:20:49: And seconds. And seconds.

01:20:51: Please repeat after me. Okay.

01:20:53: A year has 12 months.

01:20:55: A year has 12 months.

01:20:57: A month has four weeks.

01:20:59: A month has four weeks.

01:21:01: A week has seven days.

01:21:03: A week has seven days.

01:21:06: A day has 24 hours.

01:21:08: A day has 24 hours.

01:21:11: One hour has 60 minutes.

01:21:13: One hour has 60 minutes.

01:21:15: One minute has 60 seconds.

01:21:17: One minute has 60 seconds.

01:21:20: A day has 1,440 minutes.

01:21:23: A day has 1,440 minutes.

01:21:26: A week has 10,080 hours.

01:21:29: A week has 10,080 hours.

01:21:32: A month has approximately 30 days.

01:21:34: A month has approximately 30 days.

01:21:37: A year has 365 days.

01:21:40: A year has 365 days.

01:21:43: The months are called.

01:21:44: The months are called.

01:21:46: January.

01:21:48: January.

01:21:50: February.

01:21:51: February.

01:21:53: March.

01:21:55: April.

01:21:57: April.

01:21:59: May.

01:22:01: May.

01:22:03: June.

01:22:05: June.

01:22:07: July.

01:22:09: July.

01:22:11: August.

01:22:13: August.

01:22:15: September.

01:22:17: September.

01:22:19: October.

01:22:21: November.

01:22:23: December.

01:22:25: December.

01:22:27: During the year there are the four seasons.

01:22:29: Oh, the four seasons.

01:22:31: Oh, the four seasons.

01:22:33: The four seasons are called.

01:22:35: Yes, I'm listening.

01:22:37: Spring.

01:22:39: Spring.

01:22:41: Summer.

01:22:43: Summer.

01:22:45: Autumn.

01:22:47: Autumn or fall.

01:22:49: And winter.

01:22:51: Spring goes from March to June.

01:22:53: Spring grows from March to June.

01:22:55: Summer goes from June to September.

01:22:57: Summer goes from June to September.

01:22:59: Autumn goes from September to December.

01:23:01: Autumn goes from September to December.

01:23:03: Winter goes from December to March.

01:23:05: Winter goes from December to March.

01:23:07: Very good.

01:23:09: Thank you.

01:23:11: Now let's talk about the year for a moment.

01:23:13: Okay.

01:23:15: Repeat after me again.

01:23:17: Yes.

01:23:19: In January it's my birthday.

01:23:21: In January it's my birthday.

01:23:23: In February we go on holiday.

01:23:25: In February we go on holiday.

01:23:27: In March we visit my parents.

01:23:29: In March we visit my parents.

01:23:31: In April we move to another city.

01:23:33: In April we move to another city.

01:23:35: In May I buy a new car.

01:23:37: In May I buy a new car.

01:23:39: In July my girlfriend gets married.

01:23:41: In July my girlfriend gets married.

01:23:43: In August my neighbour has a new car.

01:23:45: In July my girlfriend gets married.

01:23:47: In August my neighbour has an operation.

01:23:49: In August my neighbour has an operation.

01:23:51: In September we celebrate a big party.

01:23:53: In September we celebrate a big party.

01:23:55: In October a new restaurant opens in our town.

01:23:57: In October a new restaurant opens in our town.

01:23:59: In November my parents come to visit.

01:24:01: In November my parents come to visit.

01:24:03: In December I learn a new language.

01:24:05: In December I learn a new language.

01:24:07: Super.

01:24:09: Thanks.

01:24:11: You've done it.

01:24:13: Now repeat after me again.

01:24:15: You've done it.

01:24:17: Now repeat this exercise as you did with the other videos

01:24:19: and we'll see you again soon.

01:24:21: Okay, so here we go.

01:24:23: So, these are the time divisions in English.

01:24:27: That's helpful.

01:24:29: That's interesting and important.

01:24:31: And best you practice the months

01:24:33: in which you think about

01:24:35: the days when you have the most friends birthday.

01:24:37: And with the opportunity

01:24:39: you can learn the birthday

01:24:41: immediately.

01:24:43: Because I think it's always a shame

01:24:45: if you somehow get caught by the social networks

01:24:47: or by your birthday calendar

01:24:49: or in your bathroom

01:24:51: you have to remember

01:24:53: who has the birthday present on the birthday.

01:24:55: There are wonderful speed learning techniques

01:24:57: and that's how you can practice it

01:24:59: in English.

01:25:01: Now, you're on it.

01:25:03: Do the exercise in your tempo.

01:25:05: Keep the podcast in between.

01:25:07: And then I wish you a lot of fun

01:25:09: and we'll hear each other next week.

01:25:11: See you then.

01:25:13: Hello. Nice to have you back.

01:25:15: Today we are going to talk about time.

01:25:17: Time is divided into years.

01:25:19: Months.

01:25:21: Weeks.

01:25:23: Days.

01:25:25: Hours.

01:25:27: Minutes.

01:25:29: And seconds.

01:25:31: Please repeat after me.

01:25:33: A year has 12 months.

01:25:35: A month has 4 weeks.

01:25:41: A week has 7 days.

01:25:43: A day has 24 hours.

01:25:47: One hour has 60 minutes.

01:25:51: One minute has 60 seconds.

01:25:55: A day has 1,440 minutes.

01:25:59: A week has 10,080 hours.

01:26:03: A week has 10,080 hours.

01:26:07: A week has 10,080 hours.

01:26:09: A month has approximately 30 days.

01:26:11: A year has 365 days.

01:26:19: The months are called.

01:26:25: January.

01:26:29: February.

01:26:33: March.

01:26:37: April.

01:26:39: May.

01:26:43: June.

01:26:47: July.

01:26:49: August.

01:26:53: September.

01:26:57: October.

01:27:01: November.

01:27:05: December.

01:27:07: During the year there are the 4 seasons.

01:27:11: The 4 seasons are called.

01:27:15: Spring.

01:27:19: Summer.

01:27:23: Autumn.

01:27:27: And winter.

01:27:33: Spring goes from March to June.

01:27:35: Summer goes from June to September.

01:27:39: Autumn goes from September to December.

01:27:45: Winter goes from December to March.

01:27:49: Very good.

01:27:55: Now let's talk about the year for a moment.

01:27:57: Repeat after me again.

01:27:59: In January it's my birthday.

01:28:01: In February we go on holiday.

01:28:03: In March we visit my parents.

01:28:09: In April we move to another city.

01:28:15: In May I buy a new car.

01:28:19: In July, my girlfriend gets married.

01:28:23: In August, my neighbour has an operation.

01:28:29: In September we celebrate a big party.

01:28:31: In October, a new restaurant opens in our town.

01:28:39: In November, my parents come to visit.

01:28:45: In December I learn a new language.

01:28:51: Super.

01:28:55: You've done it.

01:28:57: Now repeat this exercise as you did with the other videos.

01:28:59: We'll see you again soon.

01:29:01: Do you want more?

01:29:03: Do you want more languages, more English, more power?

01:29:05: Then register under speedlearning.school

01:29:11: and become a speed learner.

01:29:13: and I'll be a speed learner.

01:29:15: [BLANK_AUDIO]

Über diesen Podcast

Dieser Podcast soll dich zum Nachdenken und Lernen inspirieren. Gemeinsam greifen wir verschiedene Themen auf und denken darüber nach, lernen interessante Daten, Zahlen Fakten oder versuchen, innerhalb kürzester Zeit die wichtigsten Aspekte einer Fremdsprache zu erfassen.

Speedlearning ist eine Lebensphilosophie. Es geht darum, gehirngerecht zu lesen, zu lernen und zu denken. In diesem Podcast möchten wir dein Gehirn wertschätzen und ihm Futter für bessere Leistung und kreativeres Denken anbieten.

Lass dich einfach mal darauf ein und schau, was in deinem Kopf passiert.

von und mit Sven Frank


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