Speedlearning - der Podcast

Speedlearning - der Podcast

Für alle, die Spaß am Lernen haben


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00:00:00: Verbessere dein Englisch innerhalb von zehn Tagen. Hier ist Tag 1.

00:00:05: Speed Learning, die Erfolgstechnik für dich und dein Leben.

00:00:10: Hallo ihr Speed Learner da draußen. Ich werde immer wieder gefragt, wie es möglich ist,

00:00:23: innerhalb von zehn Tagen eine Sprache zu lernen. Deswegen habe ich mich entschlossen,

00:00:27: jeweils am Anfang des Monats, zehn Tage lang eine bestimmte Sprache zu promoten. Wir fangen

00:00:35: jetzt mit Englisch an. Es ist noch nicht der erste April, es ist der 26. März, aber ich möchte

00:00:41: trotzdem mit dem Englisch Training heute schon anfangen und ab Mai werden wir dann entsprechend

00:00:49: immer die ersten zehn Tage des Monats für eine andere Sprache nehmen. Basis dafür ist das

00:00:55: Avatar Training, das wir an der Speed Learning Academy anbieten. Dort hast du noch entsprechend Videos,

00:01:01: damit du auch die Angst vor den praktischen Anwänden der Sprache verlierst. Dort kannst du dir die

00:01:05: mp3-Dateien runterladen. Dort hast du die Texte dazu in Deutsch und natürlich auch in der Zielsprache.

00:01:12: Und es gibt noch ein paar weitere Unterstützung Beifragen zum Beispiel. Hier hast du jetzt die

00:01:17: Audiospur und ich werde jeweils diese Übung einmal vormachen und danach hast du die Möglichkeit,

00:01:22: diese Übung dann auch nochmal selbst für dich zu wiederholen. Wir starten mit den ersten zehn

00:01:28: Teilen. Wir werden jetzt einfach nacheinander abgespielt mit kurzen Erklärungen dazu. Viel

00:01:34: Spaß und dann wünsche ich dir, dass du in den nächsten zehn Tagen wirklich eine deutliche

00:01:41: Verbesserung deiner Englischkenntnisse auch praktisch umsetzen kannst. Noch eine kleine

00:01:46: Anmerkung zum Ablauf. Du wirst gleich ein Intro hören, dann kommt die Technik, wird einmal von

00:01:52: dir demonstriert wie gesagt und dann hast du Zeit selbst zu machen, dann kommt ein Outro. Und danach

00:01:59: kommt wieder ein Intro. Nach dem Outro, wenn also die Übung offensichtlich abgeschlossen ist,

00:02:04: empfehle ich dir eine Pause von 20 Minuten, um das überhaupt erst mal wirken zu lassen. Und dann

00:02:09: stopp einfach so lange diesen Podcast und nach 20 Minuten oder länger machst du einfach weiter,

00:02:15: bis du alle zehn Übungen heute durchbekommst. Ansonsten, wenn du mehr möchtest, dann kriegst

00:02:23: du auch jedes mal in dem Outro noch einen kleinen Werbeblock. Aber darum geht es gar nicht heute,

00:02:27: sondern es geht darum, dass du jetzt mit diesen Techniken dein Englisch voranbringst. Also viel

00:02:34: Spaß. Mach dich bereit für eine ganz besondere Erfahrung. Zeig der Welt, was du drauf hast.

00:02:42: Lerne Englisch mit Speed Learning. Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Podcast Speed Learning

00:02:52: English. Wir wollen auch gar nicht lange reden, sondern wir fangen direkt an. Wir holen unseren

00:03:00: Avatar und starten mit der ersten Übung. Ich werde diese Übung für dich hier praktisch durchführen.

00:03:08: Du kannst es an deinem Endgerät zu Hause, wo auch immer du diesen Podcast hörst, mitmachen und

00:03:14: wir fangen direkt an. Heute mit den Zahlen von 1 bis 20. Hello. Today we are going to learn the numbers

00:03:23: from 1 to 20. Let's count together. Just repeat after me. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10.

00:03:52: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Das war leicht. Very good. One more time in a moment.

00:04:22: Okay. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

00:04:52: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. You're doing a great job already. And because it works so well,

00:05:19: one more time. Okay. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

00:05:48: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Wunderbar. Awesome. Now count once by yourself as far as

00:06:14: you can get already. Okay. Then take a break for about 20 minutes and then watch the video

00:06:19: again. Got you. Repeat this exercise until you can count from 1 to 20. I will. Then take

00:06:25: a break for a day and if you can still do it, try again after a week. Sounds great. If you

00:06:30: can recite the numbers from 1 to 20 forwards and backwards in one week, then you have passed

00:06:35: the first learning test. That's good. Have fun. Thank you. Okay. Also, was er am Ende noch gesagt hat,

00:06:41: für alle, die es noch nicht verstanden haben. Wiederhole jetzt die Zahlen von 1 bis 20,

00:06:46: so lang bist du sie vorwärts und rückwärts ohne Hilfe. Schau dir das Video gegebenenfalls

00:06:53: noch mal an bzw. in diesem Fall höre dir die Podcastfolge dann noch mal an, so lange

00:06:58: bist du die Zahlen von 1 bis 20 wirklich vorwärts und rückwärts und quer durcheinander aufsagen

00:07:06: kannst. Anschließend mach einen Tag Pause. Wiederhole es noch mal. Wenn du es abrufen kannst,

00:07:11: dann reicht es, wenn du in einer Woche noch mal diese Übung wiederholst. Ansonsten hast du

00:07:16: jederzeit die Möglichkeit diese Podcastfolge natürlich immer wieder nachzuhören und ansonsten

00:07:22: sehen wir uns dann hier im Podcast wieder oder hören uns hier im Podcast nächste Woche. Wenn

00:07:27: du nicht so lange warten möchtest, geh auf die Seite speedlearning.school, klicke auf Fremdsprachen,

00:07:32: registriere dich für unsere Plattform und du hast sofort Zugriff zu dem ganzen Material,

00:07:37: das wir bislang vorbereitet haben in den verschiedenen Sprachen. In diesem Sinne bis

00:07:42: nächste Woche. Danke fürs Zuhören. Bis dann. Willst du noch mehr? Willst du noch mehr Sprachen,

00:07:48: noch mehr Englisch, noch mehr Power? Dann registriere dich unter speedlearning.school und werdet

00:07:56: speed learner. Mach dich bereit für eine ganz besondere Erfahrung. Zeig der Welt was du drauf

00:08:06: hast. Lerne Englisch mit speedlearning. Hallo und willkommen. Hallo und willkommen hier zum

00:08:16: Podcast speedlearning English, der Podcast, der dich sukzessive auf das Niveau C2 also auf das

00:08:24: höchste mögliche Niveau er in der englischen Sprache bringt und wir machen direkt weiter mit

00:08:31: der nächsten Übung. Hör einfach zu und genieße die Erfahrung. Hello. Hi. My name is Jonathan.

00:08:39: My name is Sven. What is your name? My name is Sven. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. How are

00:08:46: you? I'm fine. Thank you. How are you? I'm fine. Thank you. Goodbye. Bye bye. You can use these

00:08:54: sentences to greet someone and introduce yourself. Let's practice these sentences together. Okay.

00:09:00: Repeat after me and replace my name with yours. Hello. My name is Jonathan. Hello. My name is Sven.

00:09:08: Hallo, my name is Jonathan.

00:09:10: What's your name?

00:09:19: What's your name?

00:09:26: Nice to meet you.

00:09:33: Nice to meet you.

00:09:34: Nice to meet you.

00:09:36: Nice to meet you.

00:09:38: Nice to meet you.

00:09:40: How are you?

00:09:42: How are you?

00:09:43: How are you?

00:09:45: How are you?

00:09:46: How are you?

00:09:49: How are you?

00:09:50: I'm fine, thank you.

00:09:53: I'm fine, thank you.

00:09:55: I'm fine, thank you.

00:09:57: I'm fine, thank you.

00:09:59: I'm fine, thank you.

00:10:02: I'm fine, thank you.

00:10:04: Goodbye.

00:10:05: Goodbye.

00:10:06: Goodbye.

00:10:08: Bye bye.

00:10:09: Goodbye.

00:10:12: Cheerio.

00:10:13: Hello, my name is Jonathan.

00:10:17: Hello, my name is Sven.

00:10:19: What's your name?

00:10:20: What's your name?

00:10:22: It's nice to meet you.

00:10:24: It's nice to meet you.

00:10:26: How are you?

00:10:28: How are you?

00:10:31: I'm fine, thank you.

00:10:32: I'm fine, thank you.

00:10:34: Goodbye.

00:10:36: Goodbye.

00:10:37: Hello, my name is Jonathan.

00:10:40: Hello, my name is Sven.

00:10:42: What's your name?

00:10:44: What's your name?

00:10:46: It's nice to meet you.

00:10:48: It's nice to meet you.

00:10:50: How are you?

00:10:52: How are you?

00:10:53: I'm fine, thank you.

00:10:56: I'm fine, thank you.

00:10:58: Goodbye.

00:11:00: Goodbye.

00:11:01: Goodbye.

00:11:02: Goodbye.

00:11:03: See you later.

00:11:04: Great.

00:11:05: Now test whether you can already say these sentences without me.

00:11:10: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:11: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:13: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:14: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:16: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:17: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:19: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:20: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:22: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:23: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:25: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:27: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:28: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:30: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:32: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:33: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:35: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:37: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:39: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:41: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:42: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:44: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:46: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:48: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:50: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:52: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:54: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:56: I'm fine, thank you.

00:11:58: Und hier geht es jetzt darum,

00:12:01: nach 20 Minuten zu prüfen,

00:12:04: ob du diese kleinen Gesprächsteile,

00:12:06: diese Dialoge, um dich jemandem vorzustellen

00:12:09: und jemandem zu begrüßen und jemandem zu verabschieden,

00:12:12: ob du das aus dir heraus hervorrufen kannst.

00:12:15: Also, ob du dich noch daran erinnern kannst.

00:12:18: Falls nicht, schau dir dieses Video, wenn du die Plattform nutzt,

00:12:21: oder eben dann hier beim Podcast,

00:12:23: höre dir die Podcastfolge noch mal an.

00:12:26: Solange bist du wirklich mit diesen Redewendungen vertraut bist.

00:12:31: Normalerweise hat jeder in der Schule genug Englisch gelernt,

00:12:34: um das 1 zu 1 hinzubekommen.

00:12:36: Aber trainier es einfach noch mal im Regenaustausch mit dir selbst,

00:12:42: oder mit einer Zimmerpflanze, oder einem Hund,

00:12:44: oder einem Lernübungspartner.

00:12:47: Und wenn du nach zwei, drei Tagen diese Floskeln,

00:12:53: diese Redewendungen, diese Ausdrücke noch drauf hast,

00:12:55: dann mach eine Woche Pause und dann hören wir uns

00:12:59: nächste Woche bei der nächsten Folge.

00:13:02: Bis dahin, viele Grüße und have a great time.

00:13:06: Willst du noch mehr? Willst du noch mehr Sprache,

00:13:10: noch mehr Englisch, noch mehr Power?

00:13:12: Dann registriere dich unter speedlearning.school

00:13:16: und werdet Speed learner.

00:13:19: Mach dich bereit für eine ganz besondere Erfahrung.

00:13:25: Zeig der Welt, was du drauf hast.

00:13:29: Lerne Englisch mit Speed Learning.

00:13:33: Hallo und herzlich willkommen.

00:13:37: Hello and welcome zu einer neuen Folge des Podcasts

00:13:41: Speed Learning English, der Podcast für besseres,

00:13:45: schnelleres und effektiveres Englisch lernen.

00:13:48: Heute geht es um die Frage, was ist das?

00:13:52: Auf unserer Plattform speedlearning.school

00:13:55: findest du dazu ein Video, auf dem du die verschiedenen Bilder siehst,

00:13:59: also die entsprechenden Symbole.

00:14:01: Hier im Podcast können wir das natürlich so nicht abbilden,

00:14:05: denn hier haben wir nur die Audiospur, kein Problem dennoch.

00:14:10: Du kannst trotzdem die Fragen,

00:14:13: what is this und die Antwort entsprechend wiederholen

00:14:17: und überlegen, wie viele der Wörter du dir merken kannst.

00:14:20: Insgesamt sind es 20 Bilder,

00:14:24: die beschrieben werden,

00:14:26: schau mal, wie viel du dir nach der Podcast-Folge noch merken kannst.

00:14:30: Viel Spaß.

00:14:31: Hallo, my name is Jonathan.

00:14:34: What's your name?

00:14:36: Hi Jonathan, my name is Sven.

00:14:38: Nice to meet you.

00:14:40: How are you?

00:14:41: I'm fine, thank you. How are you?

00:14:44: I'm fine too, thank you.

00:14:46: Today you're going to learn some new words.

00:14:49: Great.

00:14:50: Please repeat after me.

00:14:51: Okay.

00:14:52: What is this?

00:14:53: What is this?

00:14:55: This is a ball.

00:14:57: This is a ball.

00:14:59: What is this?

00:15:01: What is this?

00:15:03: This is a balloon.

00:15:05: This is a balloon.

00:15:07: What is that?

00:15:08: What is that?

00:15:10: This is cocoa.

00:15:12: This is cocoa.

00:15:15: What is this?

00:15:16: What is this?

00:15:18: This is coffee.

00:15:20: This is coffee.

00:15:22: What is this?

00:15:23: What is this?

00:15:26: This is a cash register.

00:15:28: This is a cash register.

00:15:30: What is this?

00:15:32: What is this?

00:15:34: This is chocolate.

00:15:36: This is chocolate.

00:15:39: What is this?

00:15:41: What is this?

00:15:43: This is a T-Shirt.

00:15:45: This is a T-Shirt.

00:15:47: What is this?

00:15:49: What is this?

00:15:51: These are pajamas.

00:15:54: What is this?

00:15:56: What is this?

00:15:58: This is a family.

00:16:00: What is this?

00:16:02: What is this?

00:16:04: This is an insect.

00:16:07: This is an insect.

00:16:09: What is this?

00:16:11: What is this?

00:16:13: This is mathematics.

00:16:15: This is mathematics.

00:16:17: What is this?

00:16:20: What is this?

00:16:22: This is a medicine.

00:16:24: This is a medicine.

00:16:26: What is this?

00:16:28: This is an engine.

00:16:30: This is an engine.

00:16:33: What is this?

00:16:35: What is this?

00:16:37: This is a group.

00:16:39: What is this?

00:16:41: What is this?

00:16:43: This is a film.

00:16:45: This is a film.

00:16:48: What is this?

00:16:50: What is this?

00:16:52: This is a radio.

00:16:54: What is this?

00:16:56: What is this?

00:16:58: This is an elephant.

00:17:01: This is an elephant.

00:17:03: What is this?

00:17:05: What is this?

00:17:07: This is a salad.

00:17:09: This is a salad.

00:17:11: What is this?

00:17:13: What is this?

00:17:16: This is a soup.

00:17:18: This is a soup.

00:17:20: What is this?

00:17:22: What is this?

00:17:24: This is the police.

00:17:26: Very good.

00:17:28: Okay.

00:17:31: Okay.

00:17:33: Okay.

00:17:59: der 20 Minuten Pause und man soll überlegen wie viele der 20 Symbole oder 20 Punkte man

00:18:07: sich merken konnte. Also wir hatten zum Beispiel den Ball, den Ball, den Ballen, den Ballon,

00:18:15: der Cash Register, den Ballll, den Ballll, den Ballll, die Kasse. Wir hatten Koffee, wir

00:18:21: hatten Koko, Kakao, wir hatten The Engine, ein Motor, ein Insect, ein Insect, a Family,

00:18:30: eine Familie, a Group, eine Gruppe, an Elephant, an Elephant, Salat, Salat, Soup, Suppe. Wir hatten

00:18:40: The Police, die Polizei, wir hatten ein Film, ein Film, ein Radio, ein Radio. Was hatten wir noch? 15

00:18:54: kriege ich gerade zusammen, müsste ich jetzt nochmal anhören und dann auch entsprechend den

00:19:00: Film angucken. Auf der Plattform Speedloarning.school gibt es übrigens auch immer die Texte zu den

00:19:06: verschiedenen Übungen. Also von daher, hier beim Podcast immer so ein bisschen die abgespeckte

00:19:13: Version, die Vollversion bekommt ihr dann und das Speedloarning.school. Schräg, strech, fremd

00:19:19: Sprachen und dann könnt ihr euch da entsprechend anmelden. Prima, dann hören wir uns nächste Woche,

00:19:24: bis dahin, weiterhin viel Spaß und have a great time. Willst du noch mehr? Willst du noch mehr Sprachen,

00:19:31: noch mehr Englisch, noch mehr Power? Dann registriere dich unter speedlearning.school und

00:19:38: werdet Speed learner. Mach dich bereit für eine ganz besondere Erfahrung. Zeig der Welt,

00:19:48: was du drauf hast. Lerne Englisch mit Speed Learning. Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu

00:19:58: einer neuen Folge des Podcasts Speed Learning English. Dein Podcast für besseres und effektiveres

00:20:05: Englisch. Gemeinsam mit dem Arbeiter Training der Speed Learning.school. Hier die Audiospur und

00:20:11: heute geht es weiter mit dem nächsten Übungsvideo und wie gesagt hier die Audiospur. In diesem Video

00:20:21: siehst du wieder verschiedene Begriffe und wirst nun gefragt, was das ist, was du auf diesem

00:20:28: Bild siehst. Hier sieht man jetzt natürlich keine Bilder, weil das ein Podcast ist, aber in der

00:20:35: heutigen Folge haben wir im Grunde dieselben Bilder wie beim letzten Mal auch, nur dass wir

00:20:41: dieses Mal die Verneinung trainieren. Lasst euch einfach mal drauf ein und wenn du das Video im

00:20:47: Original sehen möchtest, dann geh einfach auf speedlearning.school/fremdsprachen und

00:20:56: registriere dich dort und schau dir einfach die Videos dann im Original an. Okay, lass uns starten.

00:21:02: Hallo. Hi. My name is Jonathan. What is your name? My name is Sven. It's nice to see you again. How are you?

00:21:13: I'm fine. How are you Jonathan? I'm fine too. Thank you. Today you will learn how to ask questions

00:21:20: and answer them with yes or no. I'm about to ask you questions and you answer with yes or no in a

00:21:27: complete sentence. Here is an example. Is that a ball? Yes. Yes, that is a ball. Is that a balloon? No.

00:21:39: No, that's not a balloon. That is a ball. Now please answer the questions. I'll give you a moment to do that.

00:21:50: Then you will hear the correct answer. Okay. Is that cocoa? Yes, that is cocoa. Yes, that is cocoa. Is that coffee? No, that's not coffee. That's cocoa.

00:22:03: No, that's not coffee. That's cocoa. Is that a cash register? Yes, that's a cash register. Yes, that's a cash register.

00:22:14: No, that's not chocolate. That's a cash register. No, that's not chocolate. That's a cash register. Is that a t-shirt? Yes, that's a t-shirt.

00:22:26: Yes, that's a t-shirt. Are these pajamas? No, these are not pajamas. It's a t-shirt. No, those are not pajamas. That's a t-shirt.

00:22:37: No, that's not an insect. That's a family. No, that's not an insect. That's a family. Is that mathematics? Yes, that's mathematics.

00:22:59: Is this a medicine? No, that's not a medicine. That's mathematics. No, that's not a medicine. This is mathematics. Is that an engine? Yes, that's an engine.

00:23:11: Yes, that's an engine. Is that a group? No, that's not a group. That's an engine. No, that's not a group. That's an engine. Is that a film? Yes, that's a film.

00:23:25: Yes, that is a film. Is that a radio? No, that's not a radio. That's a film. No, that's not a radio. That's a film. Is that an elephant? Yes, that's an elephant.

00:23:39: Yes, that's an elephant. Is that a salad? No, that's not a salad. It's an elephant. No, that's not a salad. That's an elephant. Is that a soup? Yes, that is a soup.

00:23:53: Yes, that's a soup. Is that the police? No, that's not the police. That's a soup. No, that's not the police. That's a soup.

00:24:03: You did a great job. Thank you. Now take a break of about 20 minutes and watch the video again afterwards. Okay.

00:24:11: Repeat this exercise until you no longer need to think about the answers. Yes. Then take a break for a day and if you can still do it then try again after a week. Awesome.

00:24:20: Now you can already answer yes and no questions. Perfect. Congratulations. Thank you.

00:24:26: Prima. Also, wie gesagt, jetzt gibt es die Möglichkeit dieses Video auf unserer Plattform anzugucken. Im nächsten Podcast werden wieder Übungen gemacht.

00:24:35: In der nächsten Podcastfolge für die ihr das Video im Grunde nicht braucht. Hier ging es jetzt darum, etwas zu verneinen.

00:24:42: Und diese Übung kann man jetzt auch weiterführen, indem ihr 20 Minuten Pause macht, euch nochmal entsprechend diesen Podcast anhört.

00:24:53: Und wenn euch das Sprechtempo zu schnell ist, dann drück einfach kurz auf Pause, überlege, wie du den Satz formulieren würdest, um etwas zu bejahen und dann im nächsten Schritt zu verneinen.

00:25:06: Und wenn du neugierig bist, bei dem "Werze Family" Bild, zu sehen, welche Familie dort abgebildet wird und ob du diese Familie vielleicht kennst, ob dir die Leute darauf bekannt vorkommen, dann geh doch auf Speed Learning.school, registriere dich und schau dir das Ganze an.

00:25:26: Übrigens gibt es diesen Podcast auch für Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Russisch und noch viele andere Sprachen und auch für ausländische Mitbürger, die gerne Deutsch lernen möchten, dann entsprechend in englischer Sprachen.

00:25:44: Okay, prima, das war's für heute, danke fürs Einschalten, macht 20 Minuten Pause, hör dir dann diesen Podcast nochmal an und dann klappt das von Woche zu Woche immer besser. Bis dann, ciao.

00:25:56: Willst du noch mehr? Willst du noch mehr Sprachen, noch mehr Englisch, noch mehr Power? Dann registriere dich unter speedlearning.school und werdet Speed Learner.

00:26:10: Mach dich bereit für eine ganz besondere Erfahrung. Zeig der Welt, was du drauf hast. Lerne Englisch mit Speed Learning.

00:26:24: Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Folge dieses Podcasts Speed Learning Englisch und heute geht es darum, über sich selbst etwas zu erzählen.

00:26:35: Wir starten direkt und macht diese Übung einfach mit.

00:26:41: Hallo.

00:26:42: Hi.

00:26:43: Wie geht es dir?

00:26:44: Ich bin fine, danke, wie geht es dir?

00:26:46: Ich bin fine, danke.

00:26:48: Heute hast du gelernt, zu sprechen über dich selbst.

00:26:51: Es klingt toll.

00:26:52: Lass mich mal wiederrunden.

00:26:53: Okay.

00:26:54: Ich bin ein Pilot.

00:26:55: Ich bin ein Pilot.

00:26:57: Ich bin in Sport.

00:26:59: Ich bin in Sport.

00:27:01: Ich bin in der Fahrt.

00:27:03: Ich bin in der Fahrt.

00:27:05: Ich bin in der Bank.

00:27:07: Ich bin in der Bank.

00:27:09: Ich bin am K probiert.

00:27:12: Ich bin in den Faktoren.

00:27:14: Ich bin im Hotel.

00:27:16: Ich bin im Hotel.

00:27:18: Ich bin am Telefon.

00:27:20: Ich bin am Telefon.

00:27:22: Ich bin im Supermarkt.

00:27:24: Ich bin im Supermarkt.

00:27:27: Ich bin im Restaurant.

00:27:29: Ich bin im Restaurant.

00:27:31: Ich bin im Theater.

00:27:33: Ich bin im Theater.

00:27:35: Ich bin am Bus.

00:27:37: Ich bin auf dem Bus.

00:27:39: Ich bin im Taxi.

00:27:41: Ich bin im Taxi.

00:27:43: Ich bin im Café.

00:27:45: Ich bin im Café.

00:27:47: Ich bin im Schule.

00:27:49: Ich bin im Schule.

00:27:51: Ich bin im Stadtcenter.

00:27:53: Ich bin im Stadtcenter.

00:27:55: Ich bin im Hause.

00:27:57: Ich bin im Hause.

00:27:59: Ich bin ein Musiker.

00:28:01: Ich bin ein Musiker.

00:28:03: Ich bin auf der Balkanin.

00:28:05: Ich bin auf der Balkanin.

00:28:07: Ich bin im Tennis.

00:28:09: Ich bin im Tennis.

00:28:11: Ich bin im Fußball.

00:28:13: Ich bin im Fußball.

00:28:15: Du hast ein tolles Job.

00:28:17: Jetzt hast du 20 neue Worte gelernt.

00:28:19: Schau, wie viele du siehst.

00:28:21: Dann ist es Zeit für einen break

00:28:23: von ca. 20 Minuten, bevor du die Video wieder sehn.

00:28:25: Du wirst fast sicherlich mehr oder

00:28:27: sogar mehr von den Wörtern erinnern.

00:28:29: Verstehe dieses exercise

00:28:31: bis du 15 Worte gelernt hast.

00:28:33: Dann schau dir ein Breakfunk

00:28:35: und wenn du es noch nicht machen kannst,

00:28:37: versuch es wieder nach einer Woche.

00:28:39: Viel Spaß und nächstes Mal

00:28:41: werden wir die Antworten auf "Yes"

00:28:43: oder "No Questions" beantworten.

00:28:45: Okay, also was er jetzt wieder gesagt hat,

00:28:47: wir haben jetzt 20 neue Ausdrücke gelernt

00:28:49: und jetzt schau mal,

00:28:51: wie viel du dir davon

00:28:53: merken konntest.

00:28:55: Mach eine Pause von 20 Minuten,

00:28:57: leg eine Pause von 20 Minuten ein

00:28:59: und wenn du mindestens 15 Begriffe,

00:29:01: Situationen,

00:29:03: es ist ja viel internationales Vokabular,

00:29:05: abrufen kannst,

00:29:07: dann wiederhole diese Übung

00:29:09: am nächsten Tag nochmal

00:29:11: und dann in einer Woche.

00:29:13: Ein Tipp,

00:29:15: du hast jetzt mitbekommen,

00:29:17: es geht um

00:29:19: die Form von "to be", also "I am".

00:29:21: "I am a pilot",

00:29:23: "I am in the supermarket",

00:29:25: "I am at the restaurant"

00:29:27: und wir hatten jetzt

00:29:29: verschiedene Formulierungen,

00:29:31: also zum Beispiel

00:29:33: hatten wir die Formulierung

00:29:35: "On the balcony",

00:29:37: "at the restaurant"

00:29:39: in the Museum

00:29:41: und überleg dir

00:29:43: für

00:29:45: jede dieser Bezeichnungen,

00:29:47: also "in",

00:29:49: "on" und "at".

00:29:51: Ein Bild.

00:29:53: Es könnte zum Beispiel bei "in"

00:29:55: ein Internetcafe sein,

00:29:57: also "I am in the supermarket"

00:29:59: dann stellst du dir vor,

00:30:01: dass in dem Supermarkt ein

00:30:03: Internetcafe ist

00:30:05: oder ein "in Diana".

00:30:09: "On" ist vielleicht

00:30:11: welches Bild entsteht,

00:30:13: kommt spontan, wenn man an "on" denkt.

00:30:15: "On"

00:30:17: "On, on, on, on"

00:30:19: "On, on, on"

00:30:21: vielleicht ein Radio,

00:30:23: dass du

00:30:25: anschaltest, da steht dir immer "on".

00:30:27: Also "I am on the balcony"

00:30:29: und dann stellst du dir vor,

00:30:31: dass du auf dem Balkon Radio hörst.

00:30:33: Und dann haben wir noch "at".

00:30:35: "At"

00:30:37: da stell ich mir jemanden vor

00:30:39: "at what" heißt, also "Eddie"

00:30:41: vielleicht "Eddie Murphy"

00:30:43: "at"

00:30:45: und "I am at the restaurant"

00:30:47: und dort stell ich mir vor, dass ich mit

00:30:49: "Eddie Murphy" im Restaurant bin, also

00:30:51: "at the restaurant".

00:30:53: Und so weißt du, ob es heißt

00:30:55: "in the restaurant"

00:30:57: "on the restaurant"

00:30:59: "at the restaurant".

00:31:01: "In the airport" "at the airport"

00:31:03: "on the airport".

00:31:05: "In the train" "on the train"

00:31:07: "at the train". Einfach in dem du dir

00:31:09: diese 3 Bilder

00:31:11: überlegst. Und wenn es noch

00:31:13: noch andere Begriffe gibt, wie zum Beispiel

00:31:15: "by"

00:31:17: "I am by the sea" "ich bin am Meer"

00:31:19: "by"

00:31:21: da stellst du dir vielleicht "by" ein "byl" vor.

00:31:23: Du bist am Meer, am Strand

00:31:25: und hast dann ein "byl"

00:31:27: bei dir. Und so kannst du

00:31:29: diese kleinen

00:31:31: Bezeichnungen, die bei

00:31:33: "orten" oder bei

00:31:35: Situationen

00:31:37: in Fremdsprachen und vor allem jetzt

00:31:39: im Englischen angewendet werden,

00:31:41: besser verinnerlichen.

00:31:43: Okay.

00:31:45: Du bekommst jetzt, ab sofort

00:31:47: machen wir das ein bisschen anders als bisher

00:31:49: noch einmal diesen Text

00:31:51: von Jonathan zu hören

00:31:53: ohne dass ich die Antworten dazu

00:31:55: gebe. Also ohne, dass

00:31:57: ich für dich diese Übung

00:31:59: durchführe, so dass du die Möglichkeit

00:32:01: hast, diese Sätze

00:32:03: mit der entsprechenden Pause zu wiederholen.

00:32:05: Wenn es dir zu schnell geht,

00:32:07: dann stoppe einfach diesen Podcast

00:32:09: kurz. Und wenn du auch den Text

00:32:11: dazu haben möchtest und das Video

00:32:13: anschauen möchtest, dann registriere dich

00:32:15: einfach an der Speed Learning School

00:32:17: für 15 Euro im Monat jederzeit kündbar.

00:32:19: Also alles entspannt. Und da hast du

00:32:21: dann natürlich auch noch viel mehr Lernmaterial

00:32:23: und natürlich

00:32:25: auch das, was wir in den nächsten

00:32:27: 300

00:32:29: Monaten, hier

00:32:31: an 300 Wochen, hier

00:32:33: beim Podcast entsprechend

00:32:35: vorstellen werden, hast du da

00:32:37: eben auch schon mit früherem Zugriff

00:32:39: drauf. Okay, jetzt kommt die Übung

00:32:41: für dich und ansonsten

00:32:43: hören wir uns nächste Woche wieder. Viel Spaß!

00:32:45: Hallo!

00:32:47: How are you?

00:32:49: I'm fine too, thank you!

00:32:53: Today you learn to talk about yourself.

00:32:55: Please repeat after me.

00:32:57: I am a pilot.

00:32:59: I am in sports.

00:33:03: I am in the car.

00:33:07: I am in the bank.

00:33:13: I am in the factory.

00:33:15: I am in the hotel.

00:33:19: I am on the phone.

00:33:23: I am in the supermarket.

00:33:27: I am at the restaurant.

00:33:31: I am at the theatre.

00:33:35: I am on the bus.

00:33:39: I am on the bus.

00:33:41: I am in a taxi.

00:33:45: I am in the cafe.

00:33:49: I am at school.

00:33:53: I am in the city centre.

00:33:57: I am at home.

00:34:01: I am a musician.

00:34:07: I am on the balcony.

00:34:09: I am playing tennis.

00:34:13: I am at the football.

00:34:17: You did a great job.

00:34:21: Now you've learned 20 new words again.

00:34:23: See how many you can remember.

00:34:25: Then it's time for a break of about 20 minutes

00:34:27: before you watch the video again.

00:34:29: You will almost certainly be able to remember

00:34:31: more or even all of the words.

00:34:35: Repeat this exercise until you have learned at least 15 words.

00:34:37: Then take a break for a day and if you can still do it,

00:34:41: try again after a week.

00:34:43: Have fun again and next time we will practice answering

00:34:47: yes or no questions.

00:34:49: Willst du noch mehr?

00:34:51: Willst du noch mehr Sprachen,

00:34:53: noch mehr Englisch, noch mehr Power?

00:34:55: Dann registriere dich

00:34:57: unter speedlearning.school

00:34:59: und werdet speed learner.

00:35:01: Mach dich bereit für eine ganz besondere Erfahrung.

00:35:07: Zeig der Welt, was du drauf hast.

00:35:11: Lerne Englisch mit speed learning.

00:35:15: Speed learning.

00:35:17: Hallo und herzlich Willkommen

00:35:19: zu einer weiteren Folge dieser Podcast-Reihe

00:35:21: Speed Learning Englisch.

00:35:23: Heute geht es um das Beantworten

00:35:25: von Fragen mit Ja und Nein.

00:35:27: Lass uns direkt starten.

00:35:29: Hallo.

00:35:31: Hallo.

00:35:33: Schön, dass du dich sehen kannst.

00:35:35: Heute werden wir wieder einiges zu beantworten.

00:35:37: Ich werde dir wieder Fragen und Anwesenden

00:35:39: fragen und in einer komplizierten Sprache zu beantworten.

00:35:41: Okay.

00:35:43: Hier ist ein Beispiel.

00:35:45: Bist du ein Pilot?

00:35:47: Nein.

00:35:49: Nein, ich bin nicht ein Pilot.

00:35:51: Jetzt bitte die Fragen.

00:35:53: Ich werde dir einen Moment geben, um das zu machen.

00:35:57: Dann hörst du die richtige Antwort.

00:35:59: Okay.

00:36:01: Ja, ich bin Sport.

00:36:03: Nein, ich bin nicht Sport.

00:36:05: Bislang.

00:36:07: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Fahrt.

00:36:09: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Fahrt.

00:36:11: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Fahrt.

00:36:13: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Bank.

00:36:15: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Bank.

00:36:17: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Bank.

00:36:19: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Factory.

00:36:21: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Factory.

00:36:23: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Factory.

00:36:25: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Factory.

00:36:27: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:29: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:31: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:33: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:35: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:37: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:39: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:41: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:43: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:45: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:47: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:49: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:51: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:53: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:55: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:57: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:36:59: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:01: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:03: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:05: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:07: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:09: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:11: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:13: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:15: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:17: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:19: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:21: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:23: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:25: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:27: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:29: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:31: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:33: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:35: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:37: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:39: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:41: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:43: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:45: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:47: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:49: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:51: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:53: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:55: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:57: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:37:59: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:01: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:03: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:05: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:07: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:09: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:11: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:13: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:15: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:17: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:19: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:21: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:23: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:25: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:27: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:29: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:31: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:33: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:35: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:37: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:39: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:41: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:43: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:45: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:47: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:49: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:51: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:53: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:55: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:57: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:38:59: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:01: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:03: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:05: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:07: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:09: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:11: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:13: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:15: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:17: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:19: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:21: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:23: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:25: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:27: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:29: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:31: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:33: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:35: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:37: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:39: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:41: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:43: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:45: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:47: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:49: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:51: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:53: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:55: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:57: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:39:59: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:01: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:03: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:05: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:07: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:09: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:10: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:12: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:14: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:16: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:18: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:20: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:22: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:24: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:26: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:28: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:30: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:32: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:34: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:36: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:38: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:40: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:42: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:44: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:46: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:48: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:50: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:52: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:54: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:56: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:40:58: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:00: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:02: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:04: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:06: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:07: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:09: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:11: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:13: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:15: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:17: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:19: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:21: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:23: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:25: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:27: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:29: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:31: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:33: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:35: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:37: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:39: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:41: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:43: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:45: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:47: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:49: Nein, ich bin nicht in der Hotel.

00:41:51: in the city centre. Are you at home?

00:41:55: No, I am not at home. Are you a musician?

00:42:01: No, I am not a musician. Are you on the balcony?

00:42:08: No, I am not on the balcony. Are you at tennis?

00:42:14: No, I am not at tennis. Are you at football?

00:42:22: No, I am not at football. Wonderful.

00:42:26: That was quite an achievement.

00:42:29: Now take a break of about 20 minutes and watch the video again afterwards.

00:42:33: Repeat this exercise until you no longer need to think about the answers.

00:42:38: Then take a break for a day and if you can still do it then try again after a week.

00:42:43: Now you can already answer a lot of questions.

00:42:46: You can be really proud of yourself.

00:42:49: Bye for now, I look forward to seeing you.

00:42:53: Do you want more? Do you want more languages, more English, more power?

00:42:59: Then register under speedlearning.school and become a speed learner.

00:43:07: Get ready for a very special experience. Show the world what you have on you.

00:43:16: Learn English with speedlearning.

00:43:20: Again a follow-up to speedlearning English, the podcast to improve your English.

00:43:29: Today it's about the question "Where are you? Where are you?"

00:43:33: Are you ready? Then let's start right away.

00:43:37: Hello. Good to see you. How are you?

00:43:40: I'm fine, thank you. How are you?

00:43:44: I'm fine, thank you. I'm at the restaurant. Where are you?

00:43:48: I'm at the office.

00:43:50: Well, that's interesting.

00:43:53: Let's make a little exercise out of this sentence.

00:43:56: Now you say, "I'm in the restaurant. Where are you?"

00:44:01: Then I answer with, for example, "I'm in the museum."

00:44:06: Next you say, "I'm at the museum. Where are you?"

00:44:11: Then I answer, for example, "I'm at the theatre."

00:44:16: It continues with you. You then say, "I am in the theatre. Where are you?"

00:44:23: Have you understood everything? Then let's start.

00:44:26: OK.

00:44:27: Now ask me your question.

00:44:30: I'm in the office. Where are you?

00:44:33: I am in the restaurant.

00:44:34: I'm in the restaurant. Where are you?

00:44:38: I am in the supermarket.

00:44:40: I'm in the supermarket. Where are you?

00:44:43: I am in the hotel.

00:44:45: I'm in the hotel. Where are you?

00:44:48: I am in the cafe.

00:44:50: I'm in the cafe. Where are you?

00:44:53: I am in the park.

00:44:55: I'm in the park. Where are you?

00:44:58: I am in the theatre.

00:45:00: I'm in the theatre. Where are you?

00:45:03: I am in the museum.

00:45:05: I'm in the museum. Where are you?

00:45:09: Very good. That's working out wonderfully already.

00:45:13: Now we can change the exercises a bit.

00:45:18: For example, I now say,

00:45:21: "I am in the restaurant."

00:45:24: Then you reply,

00:45:27: "I'm in the restaurant now too. But where are you?"

00:45:32: All right.

00:45:34: Are you ready?

00:45:35: Yes, of course.

00:45:37: Here we go.

00:45:38: Let's go.

00:45:39: I'm in the restaurant.

00:45:41: I'm in the restaurant too. Where are you?

00:45:45: I am in the supermarket.

00:45:46: I'm in the supermarket too. But where are you?

00:45:50: I am in the hotel.

00:45:51: I'm in the hotel too. But where are you?

00:45:55: I am in the cafe.

00:45:56: I'm in the cafe too. But where are you?

00:46:00: I am in the museum.

00:46:01: I'm in the museum too. But where are you?

00:46:05: I am in the taxi.

00:46:06: I'm in the taxi too. But where are you?

00:46:10: I am on the bus.

00:46:11: I'm on the bus too. But where are you?

00:46:15: Wonderful. You're doing really well.

00:46:18: Thanks.

00:46:19: And now let's just talk a bit.

00:46:21: Okay.

00:46:23: I ask questions and you just answer.

00:46:25: Great.

00:46:27: Hello. How are you?

00:46:28: Hi. I'm fine. Thank you. How are you?

00:46:34: I'm fine too. Thank you.

00:46:37: Where are you?

00:46:39: I'm in the office. Where are you?

00:46:44: All right. I get it.

00:46:47: That was really great.

00:46:49: Now you deserve a break and I'll see you in the next video.

00:46:52: Goodbye.

00:46:53: Goodbye. Thank you for your training lesson.

00:46:57: So the principle is relatively simple.

00:47:00: At the beginning, Jonathan says where he is and you repeat what he said.

00:47:09: Yes, so I'm in the supermarket. Where are you?

00:47:13: In the second case, you say I'm in the supermarket too.

00:47:19: I'm also in the supermarket. But where are you?

00:47:22: But where are you?

00:47:23: By the way, that's the situation with the taxi.

00:47:26: That can lead to a lot of stress in real life.

00:47:29: That's why it's important that you master these questions well.

00:47:32: And in the end a little small talk.

00:47:35: You have time to do the exercises without my intermediate devices.

00:47:39: To do without my pre-work.

00:47:42: And then, yes, just try it out.

00:47:47: You can also stop the podcast if it's too fast.

00:47:50: So have fun and then again 20 minutes break.

00:47:55: And otherwise, if you want more, you know where you'll find us.

00:47:59: And the speed learning.school.

00:48:02: See you next week.

00:48:04: Hello. Good to see you. How are you?

00:48:10: I'm fine. Thank you. I'm at the restaurant. Where are you?

00:48:16: Well, that's interesting.

00:48:20: Let's make a little exercise out of this sentence.

00:48:23: Now you say. I'm in the restaurant. Where are you?

00:48:28: Then I answer with. For example. I'm in the museum.

00:48:32: Next you say. I'm at the museum. Where are you?

00:48:38: Then I answer. For example. I'm at the theater.

00:48:42: It continues with you. You then say. I am in the theater. Where are you?

00:48:48: Have you understood everything? Then let's start.

00:48:52: Now ask me your question.

00:48:56: I am in the restaurant.

00:49:00: I am in the restaurant.

00:49:05: I am in the supermarket.

00:49:11: I am in the hotel.

00:49:16: I am in the café.

00:49:21: I am in the park.

00:49:26: I am in the theatre.

00:49:31: I am in the museum.

00:49:36: Very good.

00:49:37: That's working out wonderfully already.

00:49:41: Now we can change the exercises a bit.

00:49:45: For example, I now say.

00:49:49: I am in the restaurant.

00:49:52: Then you reply.

00:49:55: I'm in the restaurant now too, but where are you?

00:49:59: All right.

00:50:02: Are you ready?

00:50:04: Here we go.

00:50:07: I'm in the restaurant.

00:50:12: I am in the supermarket.

00:50:17: I am in the hotel.

00:50:22: I am in the café.

00:50:28: I am in the museum.

00:50:33: I am in the taxi.

00:50:38: I am on the bus.

00:50:43: Wonderful.

00:50:44: You're doing really well.

00:50:47: And now let's just talk a bit.

00:50:50: I ask questions and you just answer.

00:50:54: Hello, how are you?

00:51:01: I'm fine too, thank you.

00:51:05: Where are you?

00:51:12: All right, I get it.

00:51:15: That was really great.

00:51:17: Now you deserve a break and I'll see you in the next video.

00:51:20: Goodbye.

00:51:21: Do you want more?

00:51:23: Do you want more languages, more English, more power?

00:51:28: Then register under speedlearning.school and become a speed learner.

00:51:36: Get ready for a very special experience.

00:51:40: Show the world what you have on it.

00:51:44: Learn English with speed learning.

00:51:47: Welcome to a new episode of the podcast "Speed Learning English".

00:51:55: The podcast for better English.

00:51:57: Nice that you're back.

00:51:59: I hope the exercises of the last podcast follow as far as the end.

00:52:03: Today we go a bit deeper into this question technique.

00:52:07: Where are you?

00:52:09: Or are we looking for a person today called Anna?

00:52:14: Jonathan will say where he is.

00:52:18: Then I answer that I am also there.

00:52:21: But that I am looking for Anna.

00:52:23: So the question is where is Anna?

00:52:25: Last time we asked the question where are you?

00:52:28: And now we're talking about a third person.

00:52:31: Let's just listen and I'll be in the first version of this exercise again for you.

00:52:39: And then you have time to do this exercise yourself.

00:52:43: Have fun.

00:52:44: Hello, it's good to have you back.

00:52:47: Let's go a little deeper into the exercises from last time.

00:52:51: For example, I'm going to say I am in the restaurant.

00:52:58: Then you reply I'm in the restaurant now too, but where is Anna?

00:53:06: Alright, are you ready?

00:53:08: I am.

00:53:09: Here we go.

00:53:10: I'm in the restaurant.

00:53:12: I'm in the restaurant too, but where is Anna?

00:53:15: I am in the supermarket.

00:53:17: I'm in the supermarket too, but where is Anna?

00:53:21: I am in the hotel.

00:53:22: I'm in the hotel too, but where is Anna?

00:53:26: I am in the cafe.

00:53:27: I'm in the cafe too, but where is Anna?

00:53:31: I am in the museum.

00:53:32: I'm in the museum too, but where is Anna?

00:53:36: I am in the taxi.

00:53:37: I'm in the taxi too, but where is Anna?

00:53:41: I am on the bus.

00:53:42: I'm on the bus too, but where is Anna?

00:53:45: Wonderful.

00:53:46: You're doing really well.

00:53:48: Now I'm going to ask you about a person, for example Anna or Otto.

00:53:54: I ask for example.

00:53:57: Is Anna in the restaurant?

00:53:59: Then you answer with Yes, Anna is in the restaurant.

00:54:04: Then I ask, Is Otto also in the restaurant?

00:54:09: And you answer no.

00:54:11: Otto for example.

00:54:12: No, Otto is not in the restaurant.

00:54:16: Alright then let's start.

00:54:20: Is Anna in the supermarket?

00:54:22: Yes, Anna is in the supermarket.

00:54:25: Is Otto also in the supermarket?

00:54:28: No, Otto is not in the supermarket.

00:54:31: Is Anna in the hotel?

00:54:33: Yes, Anna is in the hotel.

00:54:36: Is Otto also in the hotel?

00:54:38: No, Otto is not in the hotel.

00:54:42: Is Anna in the taxi?

00:54:43: Yes, Anna is in the taxi.

00:54:47: Is Otto in the taxi too?

00:54:49: No, Otto is not in the taxi.

00:54:53: Is Anna on the bus?

00:54:54: Yes, Anna is on the bus.

00:54:58: Is Otto on the bus too?

00:54:59: No, Otto is not on the bus.

00:55:03: Is Anna in the office?

00:55:04: Yes, Anna is in the office.

00:55:08: Is Otto in the office too?

00:55:10: No, Otto is not in the office.

00:55:13: Is Anna at home?

00:55:15: Yes, Anna is at home.

00:55:18: Is Otto also at home?

00:55:20: No, Otto is not at home.

00:55:22: Very good.

00:55:24: And now let's just talk a bit.

00:55:28: I'll ask questions and you just answer.

00:55:32: Hello, how are you?

00:55:33: Hi, I'm fine, thank you, how are you?

00:55:37: I'm fine too.

00:55:38: Thank you.

00:55:40: Where are you?

00:55:41: I'm in the office.

00:55:43: Where are you?

00:55:47: All right, I understand.

00:55:49: Is Anna with you?

00:55:51: Yes, Anna is with me.

00:55:53: Well, no, she's not with me.

00:55:56: Where is Anna?

00:55:57: I don't know where Anna is.

00:55:59: Maybe she's at home or in school.

00:56:02: Is Otto with Anna?

00:56:04: I guess, Otto is always with Anna,

00:56:07: unless Otto is not with Anna.

00:56:09: Where is Otto?

00:56:11: I don't know where Otto is.

00:56:12: Nobody knows where Otto is.

00:56:13: Nobody knows who Otto is.

00:56:16: I see Anna in the restaurant, but I don't see Otto.

00:56:19: Yes?

00:56:21: I don't know where Otto is.

00:56:23: No problem.

00:56:24: Do you know where Otto is?

00:56:26: As I already mentioned, I haven't got a clue

00:56:28: where Otto could be.

00:56:30: I don't know where he is.

00:56:31: We're at the hotel now.

00:56:33: See you later then.

00:56:35: OK, see you later.

00:56:36: I'll be coming to the hotel.

00:56:37: Bye for now.

00:56:38: That was really great.

00:56:42: Now you deserve a break,

00:56:43: and we'll see you in the next video.

00:56:45: Goodbye.

00:56:46: OK, bye-bye.

00:56:48: He always talks about the video,

00:56:49: because of course,

00:56:51: this podcast is the audio track

00:56:53: of the Avatar training

00:56:54: at the Speed Learning School.

00:56:56: So, here's what it's all about.

00:56:58: Questions with "yes",

00:57:00: "is someone there" or "no,

00:57:02: someone is not there to answer".

00:57:05: Of course, you can change the restaurant,

00:57:07: but where is Anna?

00:57:12: You can also change it.

00:57:14: I'm in the restaurant,

00:57:15: but where is my wife?

00:57:17: But where is my colleague?

00:57:18: But where is my boss?

00:57:20: I'm in the park,

00:57:21: but where is my dog?

00:57:22: Where is my child?

00:57:24: Where is the kiosk?

00:57:25: Where is the ice coffee?

00:57:27: Of course, you can modify these sentences.

00:57:31: Here we currently use the international vocabulary.

00:57:35: These sentences also fit

00:57:37: when you translate the words

00:57:38: into the internet,

00:57:39: or when you take them out

00:57:41: from your previous

00:57:42: language learning experiences.

00:57:46: Just replace these dialogues,

00:57:48: these situations,

00:57:49: simply by

00:57:51: situations that are relevant to your life.

00:57:54: So, if you are, for example,

00:57:55: at the golf course

00:57:57: or on a sailing boat,

00:57:58: then take over these different statements.

00:58:03: Now I'll leave you time again

00:58:04: to do this exercise yourself.

00:58:07: Repeat it a few times

00:58:08: until they really work out.

00:58:10: And if the tempo is too fast,

00:58:11: you noticed at another place,

00:58:13: the avatar was too fast for me,

00:58:15: then just stop for a moment

00:58:16: and speak in peace.

00:58:19: Then we'll hear from you next week again.

00:58:21: Thank you very much for

00:58:24: your participation today.

00:58:25: Thank you for subscribing to this podcast.

00:58:27: Please continue to recommend it

00:58:28: and please give it a like.

00:58:30: And then we'll see you

00:58:31: at the Speed Learning School.

00:58:32: See you soon.

00:58:34: Ciao Ciao.

00:58:36: Hello, it's good to have you back.

00:58:38: Let's go a little deeper

00:58:39: into the exercises from last time.

00:58:43: For example, I'm going to say,

00:58:47: I am in the restaurant.

00:58:50: Then you reply,

00:58:53: I'm in the restaurant now too,

00:58:55: but where is Anna?

00:58:57: All right, are you ready?

00:59:01: Here we go.

00:59:02: I'm in the restaurant.

00:59:07: I am in the supermarket.

00:59:13: I am in the hotel.

00:59:18: I am in the cafe.

00:59:23: I am in the museum.

00:59:28: I am in the taxi.

00:59:33: I am on the bus.

00:59:36: Wonderful.

00:59:37: You're doing really well.

00:59:40: Now I'm going to ask you about a person,

00:59:42: for example Anna or Otto.

00:59:46: I ask for example,

00:59:49: is Anna in the restaurant?

00:59:51: Then you answer with,

00:59:52: yes, Anna is in the restaurant.

00:59:56: Then I ask,

00:59:57: is Otto also in the restaurant?

01:00:01: And you answer no.

01:00:02: So for example,

01:00:04: no, Otto is not in the restaurant.

01:00:08: All right, then let's start.

01:00:12: Is Anna in the supermarket?

01:00:17: Is Otto also in the supermarket?

01:00:23: Is Anna in the hotel?

01:00:28: Is Otto also in the hotel?

01:00:33: Is Anna in the taxi?

01:00:39: Is Otto in the taxi too?

01:00:44: Is Anna on the bus?

01:00:49: Is Otto on the bus too?

01:00:54: Is Anna in the office?

01:01:00: Is Otto in the office too?

01:01:05: Is Anna at home?

01:01:10: Is Otto also at home?

01:01:13: Very good.

01:01:16: And now let's just talk a bit.

01:01:19: I'll ask questions and you just answer.

01:01:23: Hello, how are you?

01:01:29: I'm fine too, thank you.

01:01:32: Where are you?

01:01:39: All right, I understand.

01:01:41: Is Anna with you?

01:01:48: Where is Anna?

01:01:52: Is Otto with Anna?

01:01:58: Where is Otto?

01:02:04: I see Anna in the restaurant, but I don't see Otto.

01:02:12: I don't know where Otto is.

01:02:16: Do you know where Otto is?

01:02:20: We're at the hotel now. See you later then.

01:02:28: That was really great. Now you deserve a break and we'll see you in the next video. Goodbye.

01:02:38: Do you want more? Do you want more languages, more English, more power?

01:02:46: Then register under speedlearning.school and become a speed learner.

01:02:54: Get ready for a very special experience.

01:02:58: Show the world what you have on it.

01:03:02: Learn English with speedlearning.

01:03:06: Hello and welcome to a new episode of this podcast series "Speed Learning English".

01:03:12: The podcast that brings you step by step week by week on level C2.

01:03:18: If you only learn English over this podcast, you'll need about 300 weeks.

01:03:26: Because we'll produce 300 episodes at least.

01:03:32: Then you'll be on level C2.

01:03:36: You'll be faster than speedlearning.school.

01:03:40: There you'll have avatars videos, based on these audio tracks.

01:03:44: You can also learn a bit of the learning tempo.

01:03:50: We also have other videos about the optimization of the English language.

01:03:56: The grammar tips, how to sound more native.

01:04:00: Today we'll talk about the past.

01:04:04: There are different expressions that are used in the past.

01:04:08: Like yesterday, last week, last year, recently and so on.

01:04:12: We'll practice these expressions today.

01:04:16: Have fun and let's get started.

01:04:20: Now let's talk about the past.

01:04:24: As a basis for this exercise, we will use the sentence "I am at the airport".

01:04:28: In the past tense, this sentence is "I was at the airport".

01:04:32: Now please say this sentence out loud once.

01:04:36: "I was at the airport".

01:04:40: Great. Now I'm going to give you an expression that describes the past.

01:04:44: Please add it to our practice sentence.

01:04:48: For example, "I say 'yesterday'". So then the sentence is "Yesterday I was at the airport".

01:04:52: Then I say "last Monday".

01:04:56: Then you change the sentence too. "Last Monday I was at the airport".

01:05:00: Alright, are you ready? Then let's take off.

01:05:04: Okay, let's take off.

01:05:08: Yesterday I was at the airport.

01:05:12: Last Monday.

01:05:16: Last Monday I was at the airport.

01:05:20: The day before yesterday.

01:05:24: The day before yesterday I was at the airport.

01:05:28: A week ago.

01:05:32: A week ago I was at the airport.

01:05:36: Two months ago.

01:05:40: Two months ago I was at the airport.

01:05:44: A week ago I was at the airport.

01:05:48: Last year.

01:05:52: Last year I was at the airport.

01:05:56: Some time ago.

01:06:00: Some time ago I was at the airport.

01:06:04: That was already very good. Now it's going to be a little more challenging.

01:06:08: I ask you a question and you answer it in the negative with the phrase "no".

01:06:12: I wasn't.

01:06:16: Or you answer it in the affirmative with the phrase "yes" "I was".

01:06:20: Okay, let's get started. Were you at the office yesterday?

01:06:24: Yes, I was at the office yesterday.

01:06:28: Were you at home last Monday?

01:06:32: Yes, I was at home last Monday.

01:06:36: No, I was not at home last Monday. I was away.

01:06:40: Were you at the restaurant the day before yesterday?

01:06:44: No, I was not at the restaurant the day before yesterday.

01:06:48: Were you on vacation a week ago?

01:06:52: No, I was not. I wasn't on vacation a week ago.

01:06:56: Were you in a hotel two months ago?

01:07:00: Yes, indeed. I was in a hotel two months ago.

01:07:04: Yes, for sure, I remember well.

01:07:08: Were you at the hospital last year?

01:07:12: No, I wasn't in the hospital last year. I haven't been in a hospital for ages.

01:07:16: I'm a healthy person mate.

01:07:20: Were you at my wedding some time ago?

01:07:24: Actually, you are an artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligences are not getting married.

01:07:28: So no, I was not at your wedding some time ago.

01:07:32: But once you get married, I will come to your wedding for sure.

01:07:36: Great, I'm really impressed.

01:07:40: You've earned yourself a cuddle. See you in the next video.

01:07:44: Okay, bye-bye. Thank you very much.

01:07:48: So, here is the expression from the past.

01:07:52: To train accordingly and then also to answer questions

01:07:56: with yes or no on the appropriate questions.

01:08:00: If you are not familiar with words, then there are two possibilities.

01:08:04: Either you hear this podcast again and again

01:08:08: until you understand what words they are.

01:08:12: Or you register and the speedlearning.school and then have the text

01:08:16: with the Abata training. That's a bit easier.

01:08:20: Abata training plus all other lessons and glare videos

01:08:24: that we have on our platform, you get 15€ per month.

01:08:28: Every time, you can do it, monthly, you can do it. Very relaxed, no risk.

01:08:32: You can register for a month, read the PDF

01:08:36: to this Abata training and then also have

01:08:40: at least the day when you downloaded it.

01:08:44: All the content, all the texts and you can work with it at home.

01:08:48: The number of participants remains the same.

01:08:52: Because there are so many different areas

01:08:56: that we have in the lessons videos.

01:09:00: Just take a look. You can also call out demos

01:09:04: to the different areas to get a better view.

01:09:08: But enough advertising blogs.

01:09:12: Now comes this text, this exercise, especially for you

01:09:16: without my answer to the statements.

01:09:20: By the way, if you are a advanced English speaker, you can

01:09:24: of course, as I have done,

01:09:28: also adapt a bit,

01:09:30: supplement the whole thing a bit more

01:09:33: and make it more varied. But you can also follow

01:09:38: previous podcast, listen to previous trainings

01:09:42: and with the knowledge that you already have

01:09:46: new answers.

01:09:50: But now I am calm. Thank you. We will hear

01:09:54: again next week and here is Jonathan with the exercise for you.

01:09:58: Hello and welcome back. Now let's talk about the past.

01:10:02: As a basis for this exercise, we will use the sentence

01:10:06: "I am at the airport". In the past tense, this sentence is

01:10:10: "I was at the airport". Now please say this sentence out loud once.

01:10:14: "I was at the airport".

01:10:18: Great. Now I'm going to give you an

01:10:22: expression that describes the past. Please add it to our practice sentence.

01:10:26: Here are two examples. I say "yesterday".

01:10:30: So then the sentence is "Yesterday I was at the airport".

01:10:34: Then I say "last Monday". Then you change the sentence to

01:10:38: "last Monday I was at the airport". Alright, are you ready?

01:10:42: Then let's take off.

01:10:46: Yesterday.

01:10:50: [no audio]

01:10:54: Last Monday.

01:10:58: [no audio]

01:11:02: The day before yesterday.

01:11:06: [no audio]

01:11:10: A week ago.

01:11:14: [no audio]

01:11:18: Two months ago.

01:11:22: [no audio]

01:11:26: Last year.

01:11:30: [no audio]

01:11:34: Some time ago.

01:11:38: [no audio]

01:11:42: [no audio]

01:11:46: [no audio]

01:11:50: That was already very good.

01:11:54: Now it's going to be a little more challenging. I ask you a question and you

01:11:58: answer it in the negative with the phrase "No, I wasn't".

01:12:02: Or you answer it in the affirmative with the phrase "Yes, I was".

01:12:06: Okay, let's get started. Were you at the office yesterday?

01:12:10: [no audio]

01:12:14: [no audio]

01:12:18: Were you at home last Monday?

01:12:22: [no audio]

01:12:26: Were you at the restaurant the day before yesterday?

01:12:30: [no audio]

01:12:34: [no audio]

01:12:38: Were you on vacation a week ago?

01:12:42: [no audio]

01:12:46: Were you in a hotel two months ago?

01:12:50: [no audio]

01:12:54: Were you at the hospital last year?

01:12:58: [no audio]

01:13:02: Were you at my wedding some time ago?

01:13:06: [no audio]

01:13:10: [no audio]

01:13:14: [no audio]

01:13:18: [no audio]

01:13:22: [no audio]

01:13:26: Great, I'm really impressed. You've earned yourself a cuddle. See you in the next video.

01:13:30: [no audio]

01:13:34: [no audio]

01:13:38: [no audio]

01:13:42: Speed learner.

01:13:46: Now I'm ready for a very special experience.

01:13:50: Show the world, what you're looking for.

01:13:54: Learn English with Speed Learning.

01:14:00: Hello and welcome to another podcast episode.

01:14:04: This podcast "Speed learning English", the podcast that will help you to bring your English

01:14:10: to the level of language.

01:14:12: Today we're going shopping and we'll start right away.

01:14:18: Good morning, good afternoon or good evening.

01:14:22: Depending on what time it is with you.

01:14:25: This video is about shopping.

01:14:27: Imagine that you work in a big supermarket and I am your customer.

01:14:30: I ask you a question and your task is to just answer me.

01:14:34: What answer you give me doesn't matter at all.

01:14:36: Are you ready?

01:14:37: Here we go.

01:14:38: I'm ready, let's go.

01:14:40: Good afternoon, do you have shampoo?

01:14:42: Oh yes, we have shampoo.

01:14:44: It's over there.

01:14:50: Excuse me, where do you have mineral water?

01:14:53: Well, the mineral water is across the shop on the other side.

01:15:00: Hello, can I ask you something?

01:15:02: Do you have bananas or mangoes?

01:15:04: Yes, we have banana and mangoes, sure.

01:15:12: Good morning, where do you have pasta or rice please?

01:15:16: Well, pasta is over there and rice is just around the corner.

01:15:23: Good morning, do you have time?

01:15:25: Yes, I have time.

01:15:27: How can I help you?

01:15:29: What kind of question do you have?

01:15:31: What can I do for you?

01:15:32: What's your problem?

01:15:33: Good evening, sorry to bother you so late, but do you still have coffee or tea?

01:15:37: Well yes, we have indeed coffee and tea.

01:15:42: And just over there.

01:15:45: Very good.

01:15:46: Now I repeat the questions and deny.

01:15:48: Then I say, but yesterday you had.

01:15:52: And you answer in the affirmative and say but not today.

01:15:55: I am sorry.

01:15:58: Here's an example.

01:16:00: Hello, do you have shampoo?

01:16:03: No, we don't have shampoo.

01:16:05: But yesterday you had shampoo.

01:16:07: Yes, yesterday we had shampoo, but unfortunately today we don't.

01:16:12: I'm sorry.

01:16:14: Good, get ready.

01:16:16: We are starting.

01:16:17: Good afternoon, do you have shampoo?

01:16:19: Oh no, I'm sorry, we don't have any shampoo.

01:16:23: I'm really sorry.

01:16:27: But yesterday you still had shampoo.

01:16:29: Yes, that's true, yesterday we had shampoo, but unfortunately today we don't have shampoo.

01:16:35: Excuse me.

01:16:36: Where do you have mineral water?

01:16:38: Oh, I'm sorry, but we don't have any mineral water anymore, I'm afraid.

01:16:46: But yesterday you had mineral water.

01:16:48: Yes, that's true, but unfortunately today we don't have any mineral water.

01:16:55: Do you have bananas or mangoes?

01:16:57: No, I'm sorry sir, we don't have any bananas or mangoes left, they are all sold out.

01:17:05: But yesterday you had bananas and mangoes.

01:17:08: That's right, but yesterday we had, but unfortunately today we don't.

01:17:15: Good morning, do you have pasta or rice?

01:17:18: No, I'm sorry, we don't have pasta or rice, we are completely sold out because of a big party.

01:17:26: But yesterday you had pasta and rice?

01:17:28: That's right, but you know the organizer of the party bought all the pasta and rice, I'm

01:17:34: so sorry, I'm really sorry.

01:17:36: Good afternoon, do you have time?

01:17:38: Oh no, I'm sorry, I don't have any time, I'm really busy, I have to see my mother-in-law.

01:17:46: But yesterday you still had time?

01:17:48: That's right, but today I don't, and yes, I'm sorry.

01:17:55: Good evening, sorry to bother you so late, but do you still have coffee or tea?

01:18:00: Oh, I'm sorry, so we don't have any coffee or tea, we are sold out, I'm sorry.

01:18:07: But yesterday you had coffee and tea?

01:18:10: Yes, but today we don't, you know people drink a lot of coffee, people drink a lot of tea,

01:18:15: so today unfortunately we don't have coffee or tea.

01:18:17: Super, really very impressive, this exercise was really very challenging.

01:18:23: Now take a break and I'll see you in the next video.

01:18:26: Okay, now you should take a break again, I'll give you time so that you can

01:18:31: get this exercise without my voice again.

01:18:35: In fact, it's enough if you say yes, we have bananas and mangoes, or no, we don't have

01:18:43: bananas and mangoes, and then oh yesterday we had bananas and mangoes, but today unfortunately

01:18:49: we don't.

01:19:19: Good morning, good afternoon or good evening.

01:19:23: Depending on what time it is with you.

01:19:26: This video is about shopping.

01:19:27: Imagine that you work in a big supermarket and I am your customer.

01:19:31: I ask you a question and your task is to just answer me.

01:19:35: What answer you give me doesn't matter at all.

01:19:37: Are you ready, here we go.

01:19:41: Good afternoon, do you have shampoo?

01:19:42: Excuse me, where do you have mineral water?

01:19:57: Hello, can I ask you something?

01:20:03: Do you have bananas or mangoes?

01:20:05: Good morning, where do you have pasta or rice please?

01:20:24: Good morning, do you have time?

01:20:33: Good evening, sorry to bother you so late, but do you still have coffee or tea?

01:20:46: Very good.

01:20:47: Now I repeat the questions and deny.

01:20:49: Then I say, but yesterday you had.

01:20:53: And you answer in the affirmative and say but not today.

01:20:56: I am sorry.

01:20:59: Here's an example.

01:21:01: Hello, do you have shampoo?

01:21:04: No, we don't have shampoo.

01:21:06: But yesterday you had shampoo.

01:21:08: Yes, yesterday we had shampoo, but unfortunately today we don't.

01:21:12: I'm sorry.

01:21:14: Good, get ready.

01:21:17: We are starting.

01:21:18: Good afternoon, do you have shampoo?

01:21:28: But yesterday you still had shampoo.

01:21:36: Excuse me, where do you have mineral water?

01:21:46: But yesterday you had mineral water.

01:21:56: Do you have bananas or mangoes?

01:22:06: But yesterday you had bananas and mangoes.

01:22:16: Good morning, do you have pasta or rice?

01:22:19: But yesterday you had pasta and rice.

01:22:37: Good afternoon, do you have time?

01:22:46: But yesterday you still had time.

01:22:56: Good evening, sorry to bother you so late, but do you still have coffee or tea?

01:23:08: But yesterday you had coffee and tea.

01:23:18: Super.

01:23:19: Really very impressive.

01:23:21: This exercise was really very challenging.

01:23:23: Now take a break and I'll see you in the next video.

01:23:26: Will you want more?

01:23:28: Do you want more languages, more English, more power?

01:23:33: Then register under speedlearning.school and become a speed learner.

01:23:39: [MUSIC]

Über diesen Podcast

Dieser Podcast soll dich zum Nachdenken und Lernen inspirieren. Gemeinsam greifen wir verschiedene Themen auf und denken darüber nach, lernen interessante Daten, Zahlen Fakten oder versuchen, innerhalb kürzester Zeit die wichtigsten Aspekte einer Fremdsprache zu erfassen.

Speedlearning ist eine Lebensphilosophie. Es geht darum, gehirngerecht zu lesen, zu lernen und zu denken. In diesem Podcast möchten wir dein Gehirn wertschätzen und ihm Futter für bessere Leistung und kreativeres Denken anbieten.

Lass dich einfach mal darauf ein und schau, was in deinem Kopf passiert.

von und mit Sven Frank


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